Industrial Topic

In the chapters we’ve covered so far, the concept of convergence and the reshaping of the media as we know it has been evident. Please select one industry from the topics of BooksNewspapersMagazines and Film, and write a 4 paragraph essay showcasing, using both your opinion and some research, an example of how the reshaping of the media has affected the industry you selected. Use one specific media outlet for the industry selected as your example, and provide some statistics as well as your own forecast of how you think what is happening is positively or negatively affecting the industry itself. Feel free to add a chart, article, video, or podcast if you wish to help support your position. As this essay will be somewhat subjective, have fun with it, but remember to use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation and to cite your source(s) used at the end. Good luck!

Rubric: 70 points possible

Paragraph 1: Introduction of the topic you selected. (10)

Paragraph 2: Example(s) with support of how the convergence or reshaping is taking place in the current world. (20)

Paragraph 3: Is the convergence and reshaping positive or negative, and why? (20)

Paragraph 4: Summary of topic and wrap up of essay. (10)

Source list: (10)

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