campus/community garden

On your own this week, visit a community garden or farm of your choice. (Virtual)

*GIVEN CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES YOU MAY ALSO DO A VIRTUAL GARDEN/PARKS TOUR! You may also choose to walk to a local park or around your neighborhood. Sources for virtual options are below (feel free to find your own virtual option too)!

choose one of the following to do a virtual tour

Virtual Tour of Summer at the Chicago Botanic Garden

Cleveland Botanical Garden Virtual Tour

Step 1: Walk through the space and observe.  What do you see?  What is the garden/farm like?  What do you notice?  What services are offered?  What do you notice about people using the space, or who it is intended for?  Engage your 5 senses to explore the garden.  
Step 2: Take a selfie at the garden to upload with your assignment. (You can take a selfie with your computer screen if doing this virtually!)
Step 3: Write an OIA Reflection.  O=observe, I=interpret, A=apply
Observe:  List some of the key observations you made.
Interpret:  What do your observations mean?  Why is the facility like it is?  Why do they offer the services you noted above?  Discuss the “why” behind your observations, your analysis of the facility.
Apply:  How does this space add to the environmental wellness of the community?  What overlaps do you see with other dimensions of wellness (i.e. physical, mental, spiritual, occupational, intellectual, social, or financial)?
Step 4:  Upload your OIA reflection (about 3 paragraphs) and selfie to this assignment.


Visited a community garden

Selfie submission (virtual picture)

Observe: List some of the key observations you made.
This should be an in depth paragraph describing your observational experience.

Interpret: What do your observations mean? Why is the facility like it is? Why do they offer the services you noted above? Discuss the “why” behind your observations, your analysis of the facility.
This should be an in depth paragraph answering ALL components of the question.

Apply: How does this space add to the environmental wellness of the community? What overlaps do you see with other dimensions of wellness (i.e. physical, mental, spiritual, occupational, intellectual, social, or financial)?
This should be an in depth paragraph answering ALL questions.

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