
Model a C ++ class that manages a collection of complex numbers defined by the attributes: length of type int, a pointer of numeric type (int, float, double) for an array with the real part of the complex numbers and a similar one for the imaginary part.
The class will contain a constructor no parameter that will define length with a globally defined constant value = 10, allocating space for the two real / image arrays to this dimension, a constructor with an int parameter that defines length with this value and allocate the space related to the two arrays, and a copy constructor.
The class will contain set / get methods for length, a set type method for the two arrays type attributes of the current object that will have as parameters the addresses of two arrays in which the real / imaginary parts of the complex collection type number will be taken beforehand, and a method for displaying the real and imaginary part of a class object using the class attributes of the class.
The class will also contain a method of addition and other for subtraction, having as parameter a class-type object and an int-type parameter for the length of the arrays that will return a class-type object and make the sum/difference of the real and imaginary parts of the objects arrays ( current, parameter, at the length specified by the second parameter of the method of type int).
In main( ) define 3 objects of the class type with the constructor without parameters. Randomly generate values for two local arrays that will be used when setting the complex collection number (real/imag arrays) for object 1 having the length introduced from the keyboard. Validate n, > = 0 and <10 until the correct value is entered. Display the generated object.
Perform the same operations for the second object.
In the 3rd object you will determine the difference between object 1 and 2 at the smallest dimension, displaying the result.
Sort the elements in the two arrays of object 1 in ascending order, and in descending order for arrays of object 2, then generate a fourth object with the sum of the two new objects having the sorted values. Use the initially random generated arrays. Use a sorting method of your choice.
Display the new objects generated by sorting and their sum.

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