
write a summary about session 26 and 27’s video and article. the summary would included with basic summary(main points) of all these content and criticism and one question. the video link of each session are as following
(i also attached a model summary from a former student of this class but summarized different articles )
Session 26
In this session we will discuss the role of the arts in preparing the ground for political rebellion. Before the session I am asking you to watch the video on how the Beatles Rocked the Kremlin and read the piece by Elena Kornetchuk (uploaded below)

Reading: Elena Kornetchuk, “Soviet Art under Governmental Control.”

Additional source:

video link

Session 27 (April 28): Secular rituals. The role of rituals in politics.

In this session we will analyze one of the most important building blocks of culture: ritual, but focus on secular rituals that are very much part of politics. In a narrow definition i is: prescribed formal behavior for occasions not given to technological routine, having reference to beliefs in invisible bearings or powers regarded as the first and final causes of all effects (Victor Turner 1982:79).

Broad definition: based on Van Gennep: rites of passage as model: Ritual is a performance that breaks the everyday, routine mode of interacting. Its time is extraordinary and it proceeds in three stages:
1. Separation
2. Transition (liminality, communitas, anti-structure: for example, alternative modes of being are rehearsed)
3. Incorporation

Rituals of power (examples):

1. Soviet May Day Parade 1974.

2. American 4th of July.

3. Opening of the British Parliament.

4. John Paul IIs first visit to Poland (1979).

Comments on the reading:

1. Traditional and modern societies (what are the differences, particularly when it comes to the role of rituals?)
2. Political ritual
3. Rituals of rebellion (What are they?)
4. Applications:
4.1. Israeli Labor Party until 1977
4.2. Bar Kochba: state funeral
4.3. John Paul IIs first visit to Poland (1979): ceremonial revolution (What is it and how it differs from a ritual of rebellion?)
Reading: Aronoff and Kubik, Chapter 4.

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