
Write an essay using the sociological theories you learned  to analyze various types of criminal subcultures.

You are to pick 2 different theories from the following list below (included are the specific authors and titles of their work needed for assignment):

*Atavism (Gina Lombroso-Ferraro. Criminal Man / Emile Durkheim. The Normal and the Pathological/ Emile Durkheim. Suicide)

*Strain Theory/Opportunity Structures (Robert Merton “Social Structure and Anomie)

*Social Disorganization (Robert E. Park. Social Change and Social Disorganization/ Clifford R. Shaw and Henry D. McKay. Juvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas/ Clifford R. Shaw and Henry D. McKay. Differential Systems of Values)

*Subcultural Theory (Albert K. Cohen.The Content of Delinquent Subculture/ Walter B. Miller. Lower Class Culture as a Generating Milieu of Gang Delinquency)

*Differential Association (Edwin H. Sutherland. Differential Association)

*Neutralization (Gresham Sykes and David Matza. Techniques of Neutralization)

*Control Theory (Travis Hirschi. A Control Theory of Delinquency)

*Marxist Theory (William Chambliss. Toward a Political Economy of Crime/ Steven Spitzer. Toward a Marxist Theory of Deviance/ Richard Quinney. Class, State and Crime”)

*Cultural Criminology (Jack Katz. Seductions of Crime: Moral and Sensual Attractions to Doing Evil/ Elijah Anderson. The Code of the Streets/ Jeff Ferrell. Style Matters: Criminal Identity and Social Control)
For each of the two theories you choose, you are to use SPECIFIC examples to analyze each theory from the in-class lectures (POWERPOINT LECTURE NOTES INCLUDED IN ATTACHMENTS), documentaries, and applicable readings from the course (READINGS CAN BE FOUND IN THE LIST ABOVE (LIST OF THEORIES)/also included some readings in the attachments that may be useful).

The 2 criminal subcultures that you are to respond to are:
*organized crime
*white-collar crime
For each example you use, you must discuss why the theory you matched it with does or does not explain the examples you use from the criminal subculture list.
Specifically, you are expected to discuss the theories that you think explain the criminal subcultures you chose. Please DO NOT summarize the entire content of the theories, readings, or documentaries any more than is necessary to make your points.

links to the docs:
2nd chance kids:
Style Wars:
Fyre Festival Doc —–found only on Netflix

** uploaded in attachments are “doc reactions” that may be useful

1600-word minimum
12-point font in a Times New Roman
Do NOT include a cover page

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