“karen” stereotype

Write a two-three page argumentative essay where you enter the conversation about the Karen stereotypes that have taken over the internet. This essay should assert and support your claim in response to the following questions:

What are the intentions and consequences of using the term Karen, and should we continue to use it?

In addition to basic essay structure, your essay must include the following:

Your first body paragraph should be a literature review, where you summarize and connect all three assigned readings. The purpose of this paragraph is to contextualize your motivating source, so the final sentence of this paragraph should show what your thesis contributes to the existing conversation.
When integrating quotes, do the following:
summarize the article, using phrases like the author claims, they suggest, they support their argument by, etc.
rhetorically analyze the authors argument, using key words and phrases that clearly indicate rhetorical analysis: the author establishes credibility when (ethos), the author weakens their argument by (logos), the author evokes an emotional response that does this (pathos)
In exploration of your thesis and to support your argument, connect the Karen conversation to other relevant discussions of racism, sexism, and other divisive social issues.
Show me that you have learned the academic moves that matter when analyzing others arguments and supporting your own.
You do not need to have a works cited page, but your essay must be in MLA format.

When you have finished writing your essay, edit to remove all run-ons and comma splices and correct your comma usage and sentence structures BEFORE submitting your draft to the Final Exam drop box, located in the Assignments tab on Canvas before 12pm noon.

Assigned readings:

Cory Collins “What Is White Privilege, Really?”: https://www.tolerance.org/magazine/fall-2018/what-is-white-privilege-really (Links to an external site.)

Sarah Ditum “The Sly Sexism of the OK Karen Meme”: https://unherd.com/2020/04/the-sly-sexism-of-the-ok-karen-meme/ (Links to an external site.)

Karen Attiah “The ‘Karen’ Memes and Jokes Aren’t Sexist or Racist. Let a Karen Explain”: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/28/karen-memes-jokes-arent-sexist-or-racist-let-karen-explain/?arc404=true

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