Technical writing

Unit 2 Description Document  value 100 pts.
Unit 2 covered Parenthetical and Sentence Definitions, Object, Mechanism, and Process Descriptions, as well as Analyzing and Understanding Audience and Purpose.

To demonstrate your understanding of the concepts discussed and practiced in unit 2 files, videos, textbooks, practice exercises and quizzes, you will write a 500- to 1000-word description of a piece of equipment or a process used in the gardening field (refer to Case 2 scenario). Be sure to give your description a title. In a note preceding the description, specify your audience and indicate the type of description (general or particular) you are writing.

Reference Figures 14.3 and 14.4 in Markels Practical Strategies as effective examples of the process and mechanism descriptions, and be sure to read Munger, Case 2 pages 15-25, and pay special attention to documents 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, and 2.8, as they will prepare you for this Unit 2 Final: Description Document.

In addition to using the documents provided in Case 2 of the Munger text, Mike Markel, and this prompt, secondary research about gardening is required to help you write a comprehensive, in-depth description. As the textbook material emphasizes, to help your audience understand a piece of equipment or a process, you will need to include appropriate graphics too.

Description requirements:
    Must write a comprehensive and in-depth description while adhering to the outline provided in case two. You can choose to describe a piece of equipment or the process used in gardening,

    Must be no less than 500 and no more than 1000 words (about 2 pages), not including the Audience Profile from PE #5 and References page.

    Must include at least 1 visual aid, properly formatted, introduced, and captioned. If borrowed, be sure to properly cite the visual aid.

    Must include at least 2 in-text citations from your own secondary research.

o    For this document, use only paraphrases.  They must be properly and smoothly integrated into the text using signal phrases, and they must be properly documented using in-text citations in APA Style.

    In addition to the Description itself, which will be about 2 pages long, you will include a Reference Page, and a page preceding the description that briefly provides an audience profile (PE #5) and the purpose of the document in which your description would likely appear. So the final document submitted will be at least 3 but no more than 4 pages in total.

Assignment submission:
    Once completed, merge your documents into 1 file, and submit it to the Unit 2 Drop Box located in the Unit 2 files on BB.

    Drafts can be submitted for grading an unlimited number of times until the due date /time.  So, if you accidentally upload the wrong file, just submit the correct file and it will replace the first one.

    Late work or incomplete is not accepted and will not be graded.

    Only the last document submitted will be graded.

    See the entire grading rubric on page two.

Grading Rubric:

Scoring Guide for Unit 2, Description Document and Integrated Text and Graphics
Name:            Date:        
Course & Section:           

Deliverable: 500 – 1000-word Object or Process Description, with audience analysis and references page

Specific Evaluation Criteria and Required Elements    Your Score    Criterion
Weight    Total
Includes all required parts, and at least one graphic; does not exceed 1000 words.        x 3   
Features a tone and writing style appropriate to the rhetorical situation.        x 3   
Uses an effective pattern of organization, clearly indicating the nature and scope of the description         x 3   
Introduces the description clearly, provides appropriate detail, and concludes the description        x 3   
References page and bibliographical entries are properly formatted in APA Style.        x 1   
Effectively integrates graphics. Visual aid is appropriately placed, properly introduced, briefly explained, and effectively captioned.        x 3   
Effectively integrates paraphrases from at least two secondary sources. Sources are properly introduced in the text, credibility is established, and citations are accurate (APA Style).        x 3   
Contains no typos or errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar.        x 1   
Total Points for Assignment
(100 points possible)   

What Your Scores Indicate
Score    Key Word    Comments
5    Outstanding    Demonstrates a high degree of competence, sustained control, and mastery of the element. May have occasional minor flaws.
4    Strong    Demonstrates clear competence. An element with a score of 4 is not as skillfully controlled as an element with a score of 5 and may contain minor flaws that can be fixed or overcome without much trouble.
3    Adequate    Demonstrates adequate competence and control but with occasional lapses in quality.
2    Limited    Demonstrates some competence but is clearly flawed. A score of 2 indicates more frequent or more apparent lapses than those described for a score of 3.
1    Flawed    Demonstrates serious weaknesses.
0    Missing    Required element is not included.

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