Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a 4-page treatment plan for Juan, a 15 year-old teenager with behaviors that are increasingly concerning to his parents and teachers.  His grades dropped from As and Bs in junior high school to now Ds and Fs.  He frequently skips school and lies to his parents about his whereabouts.  He was recently suspended from school for bringing a knife with him and threatening another kid in the midst of a scuffle.  The weekend after his suspension, his parents found him attempting to set their back yard on fire.  When they confronted him, he became violent: threatened to “kick the @#%^” out of them, threw lawn furniture across the yard, and then locked himself in his room for 10 hours.  Assume Juan is physically and cognitively healthy, and he comes from an in-tact family of Hispanic origin.  No parents or other siblings have psychological diagnoses.  His parents are supportive and want to do whatever is necessary to help Juan.
Your essay should include the following sections and headings and/or subheadings are required:
1) TREATMENT ORIENTATION please provide an explanation of which treatment orientation you would choose for Juan (CBT, person-centered, etc.) considering his presenting problems, background, and culture. Please provide a rationale by using the course textbooks and at least one (1) additional peer-reviewed article to support your choice of orientation.
2) TREATMENT PLAN: provide a plan for treatment including a) how rapport would be built, b) the length of recommended treatment, and c) the goals you would create with/for Juan. Specifically, for this “goals” portion, please provide 2-3 long term goals. Each long-term goal should be accompanied by 2-3 short-term objectives. Each objective should be accompanied by 1-2 specific techniques you would use to reach the short-term objective (and thus eventually reach the long-term goals).

For all sections, students should base their suggestions on sound research and literature. Please provide in-text citations.

Note: For the “Treatment Plan” portion of this assignment, please write this in a bullet-point format that is often used for presenting treatment plans. See full assignment description in the learning activities for an example.

Example of how to display the goals portion of a Treatment Plan:

Chris will implement a parenting plan that promotes improved behavior in his son, as rated at least a 6 out of 10, where 10 is excellent.


Chris will make a list of the household rules.
Chris will make a list of rewards and consequences and will define how to enforce them.
Chris will present his new parenting plan to his son during a family meeting.
Chris will enforce rewards and consequences consistently and will monitor his progress in and out of session.

Therapist will provide psychoeducation on positive parenting and will support Chris in developing a concrete parenting plan.
Therapist will provide materials for Chris to document the new house rules, rewards, and consequences system.
Therapist will monitor progress and check in with Chris weekly to ensure that Chris is implementing his plan consistently.


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