Critical Analysis #1

The Critical Analysis (CA) prompts help to develop a more substantive understanding of core course themes by making connections between assigned content. You should use specific evidence from readings, lectures, and/or section in your responses, citing as needed.


Digital Text: The Worlds    Wisdom. Ch. 5. Judaism, Selections 1-18, 20-28

Canvas Reading: 2.1: Katharine Dell. The Book of Job in The History of Evil in    Antiquity. Vol.    1. T. Angier, ed. London: Routledge,    2018: 24-33.

Canvas Reading 1.1: J. Donald Hughes, An Environmental History of the World. Humankinds    Changing    Role    in the Community of Life. Ch. 2. Primal    Harmony, pp. 12-27; (Perusall)

Answer Both.

Drawing only on the course videos and readings related to the Book of Job, Ecclesiastes, and/or the Talmud what is the incentive to being good? In your opinion, based on these perspectives, is it worth it?  Why or why not?  (up to 400 words)

Using your Perusall assignment as a guide, summarize the argument of the chapter: Hughes, Primal Harmony. Your summary of the chapter should focus on its argument or goal: What is the argument/goal and how is that argument/goal supported? For more guidance on reading for argument and summarizing for argument, see the videos on Reading for Argument in Week 1 At a Glance and Summarizing for Argument in Week 2 At a Glance both of which can be found on the lecture Canvas site. (up to 300 words)

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