Intercultural Communication

Topics for Midterm Essay
1)  Everybodys talking about the Korean film Parasite, the first non-English-speaking movie to win the best picture Oscar.

This is a phenomenal Intercultural Communication (IC) success and a potent demonstration of soft power. What has the movie done right from an IC perspective? What lessons can China learn from its success?

Suggested Readings
Oscar for Parasite quenches Koreas long thirst for recognition, Feb 10, New York Times

Parasite earns Best Picture Oscar, first for a movie not in English, Feb 9, New York Times

What the Parasite landslide says about the Oscars, Feb 10, New York Times

2)  Choose from the everyday life an example of Intercultural Communication success or failure. Explain its success or failure by making use of the concept of cultural intelligence.

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