Women and Trauma: Shifting the narrative of women offending

Prompt : can you construct a narrative that might shift how we understand the issue, deliver services and experience outcomes? What new narrative can you construct that might change and improve outcomes in oneof the areas we have studied?

*Do not include a reference page. I will do that on my own. You will be writing based on the topic idea I have developed.

Topic Idea: Instead of focusing on the criminal behavior of women, a program in which women are treated through a trauma responsive lens. It is understood they endure the most sexual and physical trauma in society and as such the focus of jail time should shift to their rehabilitation. The whole idea is for society to stop punishing women who commit crime to a harsher extent because they go against societal expectations of a woman and instead understand the vulnerabilities of women as a result of our patriarchal society which lead them to commit crime in the first place. We accept that our environment shapes the actions of women and as such choose to re-shift focus on healing them from the trauma of it.

**I provided you a list of the references you need to use. I uploaded the articles and the rest are websites that you can look up.


Alexander, M. (2012). The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
(2nd ed.). New York, NY: The New Press.

Brown, A. (2019). Black, Female, and Controlled: An Historical Overview of Policing Black
Womens Bodies. PHILOSOPHY &, 27.

De La Rue, L., & Ortega, L. (2019). Intersectional trauma-responsive care: A framework for humanizing care for justice involved girls and women of color. Journal of Aggression,
Maltreatment & Trauma, 28(4), 502-517.

Klein, D., & Kress, J. (1976). Any woman’s blues: a critical overview of women, crime and the criminal justice system. Crime and Social Justice, (5), 34-49.

Klein, K. (2019). Narratives of Incarcerated Women. https://opencommons.uconn.edu/cgi

Nixon, V. (2020). The Need for a Trauma-Informed Approach to Female Incarceration.
Retrieved from https://www.theregreview.org/2017/02/28/nixon-trauma-informed

Sudbury, J. (2002). Celling black bodies: Black women in the global prison industrial
complex. Feminist review, 70(1), 57-74.

Swavola, E., Delaney Ryan Shanahan, R., & Nuevelle, T. (2020). Vera Institute. Retrieved fromhttps://www.vera.org/research/overlooked

Verrecchia, P. J. (2009). Female delinquents and restorative justice. Women & Criminal
Justice, 19(1), 80-93.

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