Pop culture trend

Double spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman

Cite at least four analytical citations from trustworthy sources (online or scholarly), in addition to any descriptive information. 

Choose a decade 1920-2000, i.e., the 50s, 90s, 00s (aughts), etc., and research pop culture-related trends and media products that were popular during this time. Select a product or trend that was especially notable or interesting and explain the product or trends popularity and social influence, using concepts discussed in class. For example, the Walkman, or hippie culture, or the hula hoop, or early hip hop (Kurtis Blow, etc.) all would fit.

Make sure to fully describe the trend or product. What is it? Who participated? Why did that product appeal to them?

Research the historical, social, and economic context in which the trend or product became popular. How did it respond to that context?

Explore the impact of your selected example: On culture? On economics? On politics (if applicable)?

–Your analysis should include at least two concepts from: ideology, political economy, representation, and/or genre and technological platform.

Your paper must include:
A clearly articulated thesis statement
An introduction in which you lay out your major lines of argument as regards the ideological work of your media text
A body (see below)
A brief conclusion in which you point to the political stakes and implications of your argument
The body of your paper must explore and expose the context and impact of your example:
Consider interlocking aspects of culture, economics, and society.
Explore the impact of your trend as illustrated above
Utilize at least two concepts we have studied in this class to support your arguments and analyses

Thesis: Did your essay clearly state, develop, and argue convincingly a compelling thesis as regards the ideological work of the text?
Analysis and argument: The thesis and supporting arguments must be backed up by detailed analysis of what you see to be key aspects of the text. In other words, did you illustrate how your argument is grounded in and emerges from your text?

Citation style:AP Style

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