

This week’s forum deals with sensitive issues regarding sexual assault. So first please be mindful of the need to be thoughtful, civil and sensitive to others. Second, if you would prefer, you may emai me your response rather than participate directly in the forum, so that I can give you credit. Just email me through Angel and put “JRN108 Rolling Stone forum” in the subject line.


Rolling Stone magazine published an article called Rape on Campus that has since been questioned, so the magazine asked the Columbia University’s School of Journalism to conduct an independent investigation. The school ssued its report on the article on Sunday, April 5, calling its publication a “systemic failure.”

Please watch this video from CNN’s Reliable Sources with Brian Stelter. Pay particular attention to noted editor Geneva Overholser’s contention that naming rape victims might improve the coverage of the issue by treating sexual assault like any other violent crime. This is a contentious issue because most publications currently leave it up to the victim about whether or not their real name will be used.

Please respond to one or more of the following:

– Did Rolling Stone act responsibly by inviting an outside review by a respected journalism program? Is withdrawing the article from its website enough to undo the damage? The fraternity mentioned in the initial article is threatening to sue. Is that appropriate?

– What should the reporter and editors have done differently? Do their failures undermine readers’ confidence in media accounts of sexual assault?

– Should news organizations follow Geneva Overholser’s advice on publishing the names of rape victims?

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