Aims and methods of the imperialist great power the German Empire

1. approx. 1.5 A4 pages for the description of the colonial power and its objectives (geographic and
2. about 1.5 A4 pages for the description and interpretation of the caricature

1. present the colonial power assigned to you in a continuous text Answer in
this part at least the following guiding questions:
a) What goals and interests did the colonial power assigned to you pursue? (e.g.
economic, power-political, civilisational etc.) Use the technical terms for
the driving forces in the history book (e.g. economic imperialism, Social Darwinism
etc.). Of course, several goals and interests are possible. So please structure
Your text in such a way that a logical structure is created and no repetitions occur.
b) Where (in the geographical sense) were the colonies located? Were there certain reasons for this?
Here a map would be nice (research!), to which you can refer.
c) Are there special features that shape the colonial policy of your colonial power? (e.g.
Naval power, internal imperialism, indirect rule, timing etc.)
2. caricature:
a) Describe the caricature of your assigned country (p. 3-9) briefly (= factual, only
write what you see).
b) Interpret the caricature in relation to the aims and interests of your
Colonial power. Do we recognize the driving forces behind these interests and goals? By what? What
does the cartoon say about your colonial power? Who made the caricature (from which
country she comes from)? What criticism is made or who and how is praised?

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