1) What is meant by reciprocal altruism?2) The McCullough,et al article proposes that by specifically experiencing gratitude motivates beneficiaries to repay their benefactors and to extend generosity to third parties; in effect, engage in further altruistic, prosocial behavior. Explain the authors view of the emotion of gratitude as leading to prosocial behavior.3) The website, Altruism Is An Illusion, and the McCullough article both discuss an evolutionary process behind prosocial behavior. What is their argument supporting prosocial behavior as necessary for survival of the species?4) What are some of the other possible reasons/motivations for altruistic behavior (specificallysee the Altruism Is An Illusion website link).5) View the two videos in the Week 3 assignment. What variables were influential in determining whether helping or protective behavior would occur? Describe some of the behaviors exhibited in each video of individuals presented with these situations. Comment on your reaction to the results and suggest possible reasons for the altruistic (and non-altruistic) behaviors. Do the two articles help explain what actually occurred in the videos.The videos on youtube:
What would you do: Linda Hamilton
What would you do : Would you help some buy medicine
Altruism and Gratitude by Mcllough article
Altruism and Gratitude by Mcllough article
August 8th, 2017 admin