Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is a policy brief, the policy should talk about the role of NGO in democracy promotion, and why authoritarian countries stopped foreign NGOs. In this paper I wants to talk about That China should follow Taiwan’s example and allow civil society to operate freely. Then you need to explain the policy steps involved and the incentives and disincentives to make progress on it.
You can criticize the inefficient of the Chinese government’s slow reaction to the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake and the recent coronavirus outbreak. Then give out an analysis like “if NGOs participate in these steps, the whole situation will be much better.”  You can compare these with Taiwan’s fast reaction to the coronavirus outbreak through civil society. Furthermore, you can give some examples in the U.S how the government failed to react to some natural diseases while NGOs did a great job, and the recent Australia fire. Come out with the statement, NGO is good for democracy promotion and normal social activities, NGOs are making the society better.
However, you should focus on “That China should follow Taiwan’s example and allow civil society to operate freely. Then you need to explain the policy steps involved and the incentives and disincentives to make progress on it.” because this is a policy brief

good example of a recent policy brief:
Saskia Brechenmacher, Tackling Womens Underrepresentation in U.S. Politics: Comparative Perspectives From Europe,

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