Any topic (writer’s choice)

In terms of writing,  focus on the structure (introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion) and style (impersonal, punctuation, etc.)

Suggestions on essay topics:
-The rights of women in seeking abortion
-Live documentation of court proceedings -Asylum for refugees
-Legalization of marijuana

NOTE: use arguments for and against to support your ideas

General statement by paraphrasing the topic. Use Synonyms and change syntax of the sentence in the main topic
Thesis (the attitude of the writer) This essay agrees that Outline (what the essay will be about) In this essay both the arguments for and against regarding .. shall be provided.

Topic sentence (there are various reasons why court proceedings SHOULD be recorded live and the main one is RELIABILITY) Support your topic sentence with arguments and explanations Add examples to further support your explanation (For instance, o..) Add one more argument (e.g. ACCESSIBILITY) Topic sentence (there are various reasons why court proceedings SHOULD NOT be recorded live and the main one is PRIVACY) Support your topic sentence with arguments and explanations Add examples to further support your explanation (For instance, …) Add one more argument and support it

To sum up, / Overall, .. (Summarise your arguments using synonyms) Restate your opinion (As I see it, … / To me, o.)

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