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There are ethical issues that are present with the introduction of telehealth and artificial intelligence into healthcare. When considering a balance between artificial intelligence and telehealth one must understand how the individual uses it. A practitioner may identify a need for AI to save a patients life, and must consider the appropriate type of telehealth or AI. There must be balance in decisions made about AI and ensure that the patient understands the tools,or there is a possibility the patient may change providers, (Dewsbury & Ballard, 2013). Artificial Intelligence uses human reasoning to help to provide better services in healthcare.

There are ethical dilemmas that must be considered when understanding the use of AI in healthcare. Some ethical issues involving artificial intelligence are bias when diagnosing patients, patient safety, patient privacy and many legal issues that may arise from liabilities. AI has the potential to replace many practitioners due to how efficient, effective in diagnosis and ability to provide specific medications for patients (Rigby, 2018). There are already many studies suggesting that AI can perform just as well, if not better than humans.


Dewsbury, G., & Ballard, D. (2013). The ethical issues of telecare: a help or a hindrance? Nursing & Residential Care, 15(7), 490493.

Rigby, M. J. (2019, February 01). Ethical Dimensions of Using Artificial Intelligence in Health Care. Retrieved from

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