Any topic (writer’s choice)

On the final project, obviously no visits to religious sites will be possible during the era of the Coronavirus. As a substitute, I am asking that you conduct some research on religion’s role in the response to Covid-19 and then write a 5-page report on your research. Pick a single religion and look for three to five articles online that feature its response. For instance, here’s one article from the BBC highlighting Islam’s role in Pakistan’s response to the disease. Make sure that the articles come from reputable news sites or online magazines. Blogs are acceptable but only if they come from a reputable organization. Do not use personal blogs. You may also find some journal articles, but that is not a requirement this time. Be sure to follow proper citation rules for your source. The due date remains as stated in the syllabus.

I know that many of you are nursing students or working nurses with firsthand experience with caring for Covid-19 patients. I am willing to consider papers that look at the place of religion in healthcare generally or at the hospital or in the ICU or at the nursing home or hospice facility, etc. Those papers can include the role your own religious commitments play in your experience caring for Covid-19 patients.

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