Any topic (writer’s choice)

Colleague 1
RE: Week 7 Discussion 2

Post two examples of external consequences that may result from clients with problems with addiction

In the United States, a person dies from alcohol-related crashes, estimated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, every 51 minutes (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2016).  The number one drug causing impaired-driving fatalities is alcohol (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2016).  Trauma units and hospital emergency rooms fill, due to other alcohol related injuries such as falls and burns.  Addictions can also be known as process addictions, including sexual, gambling, compulsive buying and work addiction.  According to Capuzzi & Stauffer (2016), 20-25% of sex addicts are women.  Sexual addictions involve the compulsive behaviors of masturbation, Interenet pornography, engaging in sexual promiscuous relationships, adulterous affairs, exhibitionism, and sexually abusive relationships (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2016).

Explain one challenge with overcoming external consequences

A challenge when trying to overcome a sexual addiction is the prescence of comorbid diagnoses.  Capuzzi & Stauffer (2016) state sexual addictions coexist with with psychiatric issues such as depression, anxiety, personality disorder, relationship issues, and bipolar disorder.  Sexual addictions are known to also resemble other disorders like mania and hypomania, with hypersexual behavior epidodes (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2016).

Explain two strategies that you might use as a future addiction professional to address external consequences

The first strategy I would utilize is the Sexual Addiction Screening Test, to address sexual compulsive behaviors.  The SAST is a self-reported, 25-item, symptom checklist (Fong, 2006).  The SAST screening tool identifies a total of seven sexual orgasms weekly, are grounds for risky behaviors that may require further clinical attention (Fong, 2006).  The second strategy, after using the SAST screening tool, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be used to further identify sexual triggering behaviors and reshaping  the cognitive distortortions of the sexual behaviors (Fong, 2006). 

Explain your position on whether individuals are more motivated to seek treatment as a result of internal or external consequences

From my position, after further reading and research, internal behaviors are what motivates an addict to seek treatment.  An addicts behavior can duddenly become interrupted or suspended, by circumstance beyond their control (Garrett, 2012).  When an addict begins to feel the effects, of what as known as a hedonic backllash, they begin to feel withdrawal symptoms, as a result of of a rational decision (Garrett, 2012). If an addicts addiction process is suddenly interrupted, they are thrown into the hedonic state that can last for days, weeks, and even months.  The consequences of addiction suspension and hedonic state is the first step in the right direction, as the addict realizes that although they feel bad, they are doing well and the mind begins making an attemptto restablish equilibrium (Garrett, 2012).


Capuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. D. (2016). Foundations of addictions counseling (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Education, Inc.

Fong T. W. (2006). Understanding and managing compulsive sexual behaviors. Psychiatry (Edgmont (Pa. : Township)), 3(11), 5158.

Garrett, F. P. (2012). The Addicts Dilemma. Retrieved from


Colleague 2 cr

Two examples of external consequences:

External consequences of an addict is losing their jobs and not being able to pay their bills or mortgage. Also, being able to maintain a positive and healthy relationship with social interactions, where people are able to depend on the individual. The individual may also develop high blood pressure, mental health issues or going to jail for driving under the influence (Garrett, 2012).

Challenge to overcome external consequences:

A challenge to overcome an external consequence is being able to show and exhibit self-change, without a feeling of embarrassment or coming to a realization of the state of their addiction.

Two strategies as a future addiction professional:

As a future addiction professional, it is important to be able to address external consequences by empowering the addict to reestablish his or her lifestyle by problem-solving and by communicating with the addicts and family. Staging an intervention is another useful option as well (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2016).

Explaining a position on whether individuals are more motivated to seek treatment as a result of internal or external consequences:

In my perspective, individuals are motivated to seek treatment as a result of external consequences. My reasoning for coming to this conclusion, losing your job and hitting rock bottom should encourage the addict to make positive changes in his or her everyday life. My hope is that the addict has reached the action stage of change and seeks to obtain their sobriety.

Capuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. D. (2016). Foundations of addictions counseling (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Education, Inc.

Garrett, F. P. (2012). Getting away with addiction? Retrieved from http://www.bma-

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