Any topic (writer’s choice)

Mid-Term Assignment Book Review:
Zimring, Franklin.  (2012). The City That Became Safe: New Yorks Lessons or Urban Crime Control (Studies in Crime and Public Policy).  ISBN13# 978-0199324163.
Please conduct a critical review of the above book.
The review should not just include a summary of the book. It should also state what the book sets out to do and assess how well the author achieves that goal. You might therefore use the following questions to engage with the book and help you form your critical analysis:
    Objectives: what does the book set out to do?
    Theory: is there an explicit theoretical framework? If not, are there important theoretical assumptions?
    Concepts: what are the central concepts? Are they clearly defined?
    Argument: what is the central argument? Are there specific hypotheses?
    Method: what methods are employed to test these?
    Evidence: is evidence provided? How adequate is it?
    Values: are value positions clear or are they implicit?
    Literature: how does the work fit into the wider literature?
    Contribution: how well does the work advance our knowledge of the subject?
    Style: how clear is the author’s language/style/expression?
    Conclusion: a brief overall assessment.

All papers must be formatted in the APA citation method.  Students will use the American Psychological Association (APA) style for written assignments, as appropriate.  APA guidelines can be found on the John Jay College Library website by accessing this link:

All papers must be formatted in Times New Roman, 12 font, double line spacing, justified. Complete in Microsoft Word format.
Length Required: Between 1500 and 2000 words in total.
Grade: This assignment counts as 25% of the overall grade for each student.

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