Appilcation to attend a conference

Order DescriptionFirst: Edit to abstract to bring to 200 words max.
Second: Complete items 3, 4, 5, 7
The max numbers of words is indicated against each item in the application form.
Please let me know if further details maybe required.
1. Applicant
Name and title
Gender (to monitor statistic participation – this will not be considered during assessment)
Position and institution
Postal address
Phone number
Brief CV (academic career, publications, markers of esteem, and any other relevant information) – no more than ½ page of A4

2 Abstract – Please give a summary of your area of research (max. 200 words)

The purpose of research is to critically review the current pathway to a conducive entrepreneurial ecosystem in Oman with particular focus to the development of an effective Entrepreneurship Policy.
In the light of declining oil reserves, the government of Oman is taking forward measures to improve independent ownership of businesses in a country where crude oil still remains the main wealth generator. The urgent need to diversify the economy to achieve a wider income source still exists. The desired model of an entrepreneurial ecosystem has not been achieved. It is unfortunate that while the walk involves modeling a fundamental feature of the economy in Oman, there is shortage of information that may be relied upon in designing the most appropriate entrepreneurial ecosystem model.
This deductive study is necessitated by a foreseeable fail in developing an appropriate entrepreneurial ecosystem model if its designing is not based on dependable information. This study will provide information that can be implemented to improve the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Oman. By using data from established and reliable sources, the research will formulate appropriate recommendations for a better entrepreneurial ecosystem in Oman. For instance, one of the areas to be considered in the research is the challenges that face start-up business, the inadequacy of governmental policies and other factors affecting the business operations as a whole within Oman. Further, the research will focus on adopting technology to cut down on overreliance on foreign labor. The study will also establish other survival mechanisms that other similar companies have used. This information will be useful in developing a model which would identify the bottle-necks to an appropriate entrepreneurial ecosystem in Oman and suggest solutions to them.
The study will involve data collection using National Experts Survey (NES) developed by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) to assess the various components of the ecosystem in Oman since no information is available yet about this area.
3. Please describe your motivation to attend the workshop and how the workshop matches your professional development needs ( max. 150 words)

4. Please describe the expected impact of your participation to the workshop on your personal and professional development, including your ability to work on an international level ( max. 100 words)

5. Please indicate how you will disseminate the outcomes of the workshops and the new knowledge/skills you have acquired ( max. 100 words)

6. Workshops will take place in English as standard. Please indicate your ability to work and communicate in English (Note, translators may be provided if necessary)
Native speaker Good
Excellent Need support

7. Please use this space to give any additional information that you feel is relevant for the application.

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