Assessment Information

Assessment Information
The LOs for this module are as follows:
1. Identify and select sources of data and information
2. Analyse and present information to support decision making
3. Communicate results of information analysis and decision
4. Comprehend the range of tools and techniques available as support for managerial decision making
This assignment should be completed with reference to the WM Pressings Case Study and the OIL Project, as and where directed to do so.
This assignment requires you to write a 2,000-word assignment submission answering the following questions:
1. Using relevant examples from the WM Pressings Case Study & other sources, explain the difference between data and information. (20 marks) ?
2. Identify the sources of information for the quality issue at WM Pressings. Critically evaluate these sources and then select the sources that you feel will be most useful for conducting further analysis. (20 marks) ?
3. Analyse the information that you have gathered on the quality issue at WM Pressings and summarise your key findings. (20 marks) ?
4. Create a PowerPoint presentation that you will use to communicate the results of your analysis on the quality issue to the Managing Director of WM Pressings. Your presentation should be 4 – 6 slides long and should be included in your word document as a series of JPEGs (2 JPEGs per page). Do not submit the PowerPoint file (30 marks) ?
5. Using relevant examples, explain how the role of information and communication has been important in the OIL Project. (10 marks) ?
WM Pressings Case Study
WM Pressings1 is a manufacturing company based in Coventry in England. The company makes small pressed steel and aluminium parts for customers in the automotive industry.
WM pressings has five main customers as detailed in the table below.

Customer Location No of Parts Total Annual Volume of Pressings
Scheller AG Munich, Germany 46
FHS Automotive Coventry, England 32
PD Cars Birmingham, England 28 300,000
Ardale Ltd London, England 18

Magmoke Lyon, France 32 120,000

The company has 10 presses and 204 dies that it runs in order to make these components. Each press can be used to manufacture a number of different components, by changing the die. Each die is unique to a particular component. The presses and dies are known within the company simply as P1 to P10 and D1 to D204.
The company has been supplying pressed parts to automotive customers for over 40 years and has always prided itself on its reputation for high quality. However, in the past 2 years the company has seen its quality performance deteriorate sharply.
The top ten quality issues for December 2015 are detailed in the table below (this table shows parts that have been returned to WM Pressings by their customers due to defective quality).

Part Number Description Qty Manufactured Dec 2015
Qty Customer Returns
AD12766 Pressing – Inner 1242
SD34276 Pressing
806 220
BG65609 Pressing 356
DF23437 Pressing – Inner
1452 155
DD23349 Pressing – Inner 3290
AY54232 Pressing – Door Inner 435

DF78903 Pressing 546 128
PY65459 Pressing Outer 3452
HG40092 Pressing – Cowl 980

DJ67642 Pressing – Inner
765 104


1 WM Pressings and all other companies named are entirely fictitious organizations

Investigation into the Quality Issues
The Managing Director of WM Pressings has asked you to investigate the issue and to identify the reasons for the issues being experienced.
The first task you have undertaken is to collate the table below showing the name of the manufacturer for each of the ten parts above that were shown in the previous table on quality issues.
Part Number Description Customer
Component Weight (g)
AD12766 Pressing – Inner Ardale Ltd 100
SD34276 Pressing PD Cars
BG65609 Pressing PD Cars
DF23437 Pressing – Inner Ardale Cars
DD23349 Pressing – Inner FHS Automotive 110

AY54232 Pressing – Door Inner PD Cars 150
DF78903 Pressing Ardale Cars
PY65459 Pressing Outer FHS Automotive
HG40092 Pressing – Cowl PD Cars
DJ67642 Pressing – Inner PD Cars
AA23998 Pressing PD Cars

Next, you have asked the warranty department for an update about any claims made once the customer vehicles were actually in service, which is summarised below.

Part Number Description Customer Warranty Claims Dec 2015
AD22132 Pressing Scheller AG
SD34276 Pressing PD Cars 14
BG65609 Pressing PD Cars
AG43234 Pressing Scheller AG 7
GF48871 Pressing Scheller AG
AY54232 Pressing – Door Inner PD Cars
TR34376 Pressing – Inner Panel Scheller AG

SE24890 Pressing Scheller AG 4
HG40092 Pressing – Cowl PD Cars
DJ67642 Pressing – Inner PD Cars

Pressing PD Cars 2

You have then spoken to the factory manager and asked an update about any parts that were rejected before they left the WM Pressings factory, which is summarised below

Part Number Description
Press ID Number
Die ID Number Customer
Internal Rejects Dec 2015
SF134567 Pressing Outer Panel

PD Cars

SD34276 Pressing P2 35 PD Cars 500
BG65609 Pressing
46 PD Cars
DS23009 Pressing –
190 Scheller AG
SL87225 Pressing – Inner
29 PD Cars
AY54232 Pressing – Door Inner
31 PD Cars
DF78903 Pressing
87 Ardale Cars
DF78904 Pressing
88 Ardale Cars
HG40092 Pressing – Cowl
39 PD Cars
DJ67642 Pressing – Inner
38 PD Cars

SD34987 Pressing P2
PD Cars 180

Interviews with Key Managers
You decide to go to see the quality manager to find out what has been happening, the key parts of the conversation are recorded below.
“What is your opinion about the issues causing customer returns?”
“I realise that performance is not optimal but we are operating at a comparable level to other similar suppliers in the automotive industry”.
“What are your thoughts about the warranty data?”
“I do not look at the warranty data, this is not part of my remit – my job is to focus on customer returns.”
“What about the issues that happen in-house, scrap that is found before it leaves the factory?”
“This is the responsibility of the production manager – I do not have any influence over the production processes and maintenance programmes that he runs and which influence the quality during production”.
You thank the quality manager for her time and then go to visit the maintenance supervisor. “Are you aware of the main issues that are causing internal rejects?”
“No, the production manager does not tell me about this type of stuff.” “Do you have any particular issues with any of the presses or dies?”
“The dies are all in good condition, however presses P2 and P3 are very old and we have to deal with many breakdowns on them.”
“Do you know if these breakdowns on P2 and P3 are linked to any quality issues?”
“Not as far as I am aware, we fix the presses so that they are working again, but we do not know what happens afterwards.”
“Do you have any records on breakdowns for December 2015?” “No, we don’t keep a log of breakdowns.”
Finally you decide to speak to one of your friends who works on the shop floor, operating one of the presses. “Are you aware of the quality issues that we have been experiencing?”
“No, we don’t get told about that sort of stuff.”?“Do you experience any issues during production that may be linked to quality?”
“Yes, we can see when the presses are producing parts of uncertain quantity, however when we inform management they do not take any action until the problems become very bad or the presses actually stop working altogether.”
You are now satisfied that you have enough data and information about the quality problem. You now need to figure out the best way to analyse this data and information and then put it in a suitable format to be presented to the Managing Director.
Criteria for Assessment
This table details the weightings of the five criteria by which your work will be assessed.

Proportion of overall module mark
1. Content and Learning Outcomes 75%
2. Evidence of reading, use of resources and research
3. Accurate citations and referencing 5%
4. Presentation, grammar and spelling

Total 100%


1. This assignment is neither a report or essay format. The assignment should answer each of the questions. Have an introduction to start with. Then answer each of the question. While discussing each question you can be descriptive and use graphs and tables.

2. Word count. For Q4, where you submit JPEGs, you may either consider it to be zero words or as being equivalent to 500 words. So a submission with 2200 words plus the JPEGs is OK, equally so is one with 1500 words plus the JPEGs. Hope this makes sense! References etc do not count towards word count.



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Assessment Information

Assessment Information

Subject Code:    GB560
Subject Name:     Designing, Implementing and Improving Processes
Assessment Title:    Assessment 2 – Individual Project (Part 1) – Report
Weighting:     30%
Total Marks:    30
Due Date:     TBA

Assessment Description

GB560 Assessment 2: Individual Project (Part 1) – 2 Sections
Weighting: 30%
Length: 2500 words
Due: SUNDAY 6 SEP by 8am – Submitted through Turnitin

During the next ten (12) weeks, you will complete two individual projects which, when combined, will make up a business process change document.

Note that you will need to obtain sources of information that are specific to the organisation selected and the industry within which it operates. This assignment (Part 1) should be no more than 2500 words in length. It should answer each question, be succinct, provide diagrams as required and demonstrate that you understand the content and application of the subject material.

For this individual project, you are required to select a company or organisation that you are already familiar with or a prominent Australian company that through your research you will develop familiarity. Examples of such companies are:

• BHP Billiton • Brambles • Commonwealth Bank of Australia • National Australia Bank • News Corporation • Qantas • RIO Tinto • Telstra • Wesfarmers • Westfield • Westpac • Woolworths

Other organisations such as health services, public service departments or legal firms may also be selected but in any event you must gain approval from your lecturer regarding the suitability of the organisation selected.

The individual project should use language and style that would be appropriate for presentation to your peers and managers. Ensure that you provide diagrams when required. Keep them simple and clear. Ensure you fully support all your answers, and provide citations and references (in Harvard format) for all sources used to create your answers.

Section 1 (15 marks – word limit: 1000–1250 words)

Complete the assigned readings and conduct your own research (using the internet or the Kaplan Library) to identify an organisation for analysis for your business process change document.
1. A contents page for your report.
2. A brief introduction that outlines the purpose of the report.
3. Provide the name of the organisation you have selected, describe the organisation’s size and summarise the primary mission of the organisation. Do not simply copy from the organisation’s web site or annual report.
4. From your research of the organisation, identify a single business process change that the organisation may need to (or could) contemplate and undertake in the coming year. This change may be necessitated in response to new technologies, internal re-structuring, a benchmarking exercise, economic issues or changes in the marketplace/ industry.
5. Using the Capability Maturing Model (CMM) briefly outline what changes will need to be undertaken at each of the five stages.
6. Evaluate Porter’s three-phase process for defining a company strategy in relation to your chosen organisation.
7. Create a simple chart of the recommended change and address the issues in each phase for your organisation.

Section 2 (15 marks – word limit: 1000–1250 words)

In this section you will create two process diagrams.
The websites and links below provide general instructions and visuals on how to use MS Word to create your process change diagram. Their use is not mandatory and they are only suggestions. You may wish to research other ways to prepare process diagrams and equivalents exist for Mac users.


1. Prepare two (2) general process diagrams for the business process change you identified for Question 4 in Section 1. Create a diagram of the steps currently taken by the organisation for the process. Create a diagram of any adaptations to the process steps after the change process is approved.
2. Evaluate the importance (value) of the existing and future diagrams, and explain how they assist the organisation to determine the validity of the suggested change.

Note. You are not required to provide a conclusion or recommendations since the next assessment will be a continuation of this one.


Assessment Marking Rubric

Criteria    HD (High Distinction)
85%-100%    DN (Distinction)
75%-84%    CR (Credit)
74%-65%    P (Pass)
50%-64%    NN (Fail)
0%-49%    Score
Company analysis

5 marks    Work demonstrates the ability to comprehensively identify and research an organisation and provide a thorough explanation and details regarding the structure, size and mission, and provide evidence to support all findings
4.25 – 5 marks    Work demonstrates the ability to identify an organisation for research, and provide very good detail of the organisation’s structure, size and mission, and good contemporary evidence to support the information
3.75- 4.2 marks    Work demonstrates the ability to identify an organisation for research, and provide good detail of the organisation’s structure, size and mission, and broad evidence to support the information

3.25- 3.7 marks    Work demonstrates the ability to identify an organisation for research and provides basic information on the organisation’s structure, size and mission, and provides some evidence to support the information

2.5-3.2 marks    Work demonstrates the ability to generally identify an organisation for research, but provides little information about the organisation’s structure, size or mission

0-2.45 marks
Business process change analysis

10 marks    Work shows an exemplary ability to identify change issues to be undertaken, and provides a rationale for why the change is necessary.
All five stages of the CMM are discussed and multiple changes for each of the five stages are presented.
Work demonstrates a complete understanding of Porter’s three-phase process with the correct chart

8.5 – 10 marks    Work shows the ability to identify a change issue to be undertaken and includes a discussion of reasons why the change is necessary.
All five stages of the CMM identified with the change recommended for each stage.
Work demonstrates a very good understanding of Porter’s three-phase process with the correct chart
7.5- 8.4 marks    Work shows the ability to identify a change issue to be undertaken and includes a discussion of reasons why the change is necessary.
All five stages of the CMM identified with the change recommended for each stage.
Work demonstrates a broad understanding of Porter’s three-phase process with the correct chart

6.5-7.4 marks    Work shows the ability to identify a change issue to be undertaken, includes the reasons why the change is necessary and provides support for the conclusion.
All five stages of the CMM identified with the change recommended for two to three of the stages.
Work demonstrates a basic understanding of Porter’s three-phase process with the correct chart

5.0- 6.4 marks    Work shows some ability to identify a basic potential change issue to be undertaken by the organisation.
Work demonstrates the ability to identify the five stages of the CMM only.
Work demonstrates the ability to briefly discuss Porter’s three-phase process but does not include the required chart

0-4.9 marks
Process diagrams

15 marks    Two process diagrams are presented clearly without error. Thorough evaluation.

12.75-15 marks    Two process diagrams are presented clearly with only minor errors. Detailed evaluation
11.25 -12.5 marks    Two process diagrams are presented clearly with some minor but no major errors. Detailed evaluation
9.75 – 11.1 marks    One process diagram is presented clearly without error. Adequate evaluation of diagram.
7.5 – 9.5 marks    Process diagrams are absent, incorrect or poorly presented. Limited or no evaluation
0-7.4 marks

Assignment Mark/Grade:     Total score

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Assessment Information

Assessment Information

Subject Code:    GB560
Subject Name:     Designing, Implementing and Improving Processes
Assessment Title:    Assessment 2 – Individual Project (Part 1) – Report
Weighting:     30%
Total Marks:    30
Due Date:     TBA

Assessment Description

GB560 Assessment 2: Individual Project (Part 1) – 2 Sections
Weighting: 30%
Length: 2500 words
Due: SUNDAY 6 SEP by 8am – Submitted through Turnitin

During the next ten (12) weeks, you will complete two individual projects which, when combined, will make up a business process change document.

Note that you will need to obtain sources of information that are specific to the organisation selected and the industry within which it operates. This assignment (Part 1) should be no more than 2500 words in length. It should answer each question, be succinct, provide diagrams as required and demonstrate that you understand the content and application of the subject material.

For this individual project, you are required to select a company or organisation that you are already familiar with or a prominent Australian company that through your research you will develop familiarity. Examples of such companies are:

• BHP Billiton • Brambles • Commonwealth Bank of Australia • National Australia Bank • News Corporation • Qantas • RIO Tinto • Telstra • Wesfarmers • Westfield • Westpac • Woolworths

Other organisations such as health services, public service departments or legal firms may also be selected but in any event you must gain approval from your lecturer regarding the suitability of the organisation selected.

The individual project should use language and style that would be appropriate for presentation to your peers and managers. Ensure that you provide diagrams when required. Keep them simple and clear. Ensure you fully support all your answers, and provide citations and references (in Harvard format) for all sources used to create your answers.

Section 1 (15 marks – word limit: 1000–1250 words)

Complete the assigned readings and conduct your own research (using the internet or the Kaplan Library) to identify an organisation for analysis for your business process change document.
1. A contents page for your report.
2. A brief introduction that outlines the purpose of the report.
3. Provide the name of the organisation you have selected, describe the organisation’s size and summarise the primary mission of the organisation. Do not simply copy from the organisation’s web site or annual report.
4. From your research of the organisation, identify a single business process change that the organisation may need to (or could) contemplate and undertake in the coming year. This change may be necessitated in response to new technologies, internal re-structuring, a benchmarking exercise, economic issues or changes in the marketplace/ industry.
5. Using the Capability Maturing Model (CMM) briefly outline what changes will need to be undertaken at each of the five stages.
6. Evaluate Porter’s three-phase process for defining a company strategy in relation to your chosen organisation.
7. Create a simple chart of the recommended change and address the issues in each phase for your organisation.

Section 2 (15 marks – word limit: 1000–1250 words)

In this section you will create two process diagrams.
The websites and links below provide general instructions and visuals on how to use MS Word to create your process change diagram. Their use is not mandatory and they are only suggestions. You may wish to research other ways to prepare process diagrams and equivalents exist for Mac users.


1. Prepare two (2) general process diagrams for the business process change you identified for Question 4 in Section 1. Create a diagram of the steps currently taken by the organisation for the process. Create a diagram of any adaptations to the process steps after the change process is approved.
2. Evaluate the importance (value) of the existing and future diagrams, and explain how they assist the organisation to determine the validity of the suggested change.

Note. You are not required to provide a conclusion or recommendations since the next assessment will be a continuation of this one.


Assessment Marking Rubric

Criteria    HD (High Distinction)
85%-100%    DN (Distinction)
75%-84%    CR (Credit)
74%-65%    P (Pass)
50%-64%    NN (Fail)
0%-49%    Score
Company analysis

5 marks    Work demonstrates the ability to comprehensively identify and research an organisation and provide a thorough explanation and details regarding the structure, size and mission, and provide evidence to support all findings
4.25 – 5 marks    Work demonstrates the ability to identify an organisation for research, and provide very good detail of the organisation’s structure, size and mission, and good contemporary evidence to support the information
3.75- 4.2 marks    Work demonstrates the ability to identify an organisation for research, and provide good detail of the organisation’s structure, size and mission, and broad evidence to support the information

3.25- 3.7 marks    Work demonstrates the ability to identify an organisation for research and provides basic information on the organisation’s structure, size and mission, and provides some evidence to support the information

2.5-3.2 marks    Work demonstrates the ability to generally identify an organisation for research, but provides little information about the organisation’s structure, size or mission

0-2.45 marks
Business process change analysis

10 marks    Work shows an exemplary ability to identify change issues to be undertaken, and provides a rationale for why the change is necessary.
All five stages of the CMM are discussed and multiple changes for each of the five stages are presented.
Work demonstrates a complete understanding of Porter’s three-phase process with the correct chart

8.5 – 10 marks    Work shows the ability to identify a change issue to be undertaken and includes a discussion of reasons why the change is necessary.
All five stages of the CMM identified with the change recommended for each stage.
Work demonstrates a very good understanding of Porter’s three-phase process with the correct chart
7.5- 8.4 marks    Work shows the ability to identify a change issue to be undertaken and includes a discussion of reasons why the change is necessary.
All five stages of the CMM identified with the change recommended for each stage.
Work demonstrates a broad understanding of Porter’s three-phase process with the correct chart

6.5-7.4 marks    Work shows the ability to identify a change issue to be undertaken, includes the reasons why the change is necessary and provides support for the conclusion.
All five stages of the CMM identified with the change recommended for two to three of the stages.
Work demonstrates a basic understanding of Porter’s three-phase process with the correct chart

5.0- 6.4 marks    Work shows some ability to identify a basic potential change issue to be undertaken by the organisation.
Work demonstrates the ability to identify the five stages of the CMM only.
Work demonstrates the ability to briefly discuss Porter’s three-phase process but does not include the required chart

0-4.9 marks
Process diagrams

15 marks    Two process diagrams are presented clearly without error. Thorough evaluation.

12.75-15 marks    Two process diagrams are presented clearly with only minor errors. Detailed evaluation
11.25 -12.5 marks    Two process diagrams are presented clearly with some minor but no major errors. Detailed evaluation
9.75 – 11.1 marks    One process diagram is presented clearly without error. Adequate evaluation of diagram.
7.5 – 9.5 marks    Process diagrams are absent, incorrect or poorly presented. Limited or no evaluation
0-7.4 marks

Assignment Mark/Grade:     Total score

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