Assessment One
case study report
Word count:
Select a New Zeala
based work organisation. It can b
in any sector;
domestic or multi
national; and have at least five employees.
Identify a key employment relations issue for this organisation. In your case
study report, you will need to answer the following questions:
is the issue and why is it important to this organisation?
is the issue relevant to the management of employment relations
You should expend approximately half of your word count on the first (two
part) question, and half on the seco
nd question.
Please use your ‘Writing Guidelines for Business Students’ book as a
guideline when drafting and presenting your report.
The case study report assesses LOs 1 and 2.
the significance and dynamism of
as a discipline and for
organisational success (LO1);
on the ideological, institutional, legal
, economic and social
considerations which shape, and are shaped by,
Assignment Marking Guide
Assignment grading for Assignment 1
case study report
Approximately 90% of marks will be awarded on the basis of the quality of
your discussion and coverage in the case study
report. That is, up to 45% of
marks will be awarded for your response to the first question, and up to 45%
on your response to the second question.
The remaining 10% of marks will be awarded for clear and coherent
presentation of your assignment. Marks
will be available for:
using correct referencing
orrect grammar and spelling
tructure and style of writing
verall impact
Assignment writing guidelines
In this course,
the formatting requirements are as follows. Please note that
some marks are allocated for correct formatting.
Write on one side of the page only. Leave a wide right
hand margin (3
for markets’ comments. Please use 1
line spacing.
Please ensure your student ID number, paper number and assignment
number (and essay choice, where applicable) is noted in the header of each
page. A title page is not necessary, but it is helpful to include the essay
question on the first pa
Ensure that your work is well presented, and follows guidelines presented in
the Assessment Criteria and Writing Guidelines. Typing your assignment is
preferable as this facilitates easy reading marking.
Spelling and grammar
There w
ill also be marks allocated for correct use of English. Your grammar,
use of words, punctuation and spelling will influence your grade. Please use a
dictionary to check spellings. It is unwise to rely solely on computer
spelling checks because of the
problems of American spellings and difficulties
with context. Please use New Zealand/UK spelling (not USA).
The correct format for presentation on in
text citations is listed in Emerson’s
Writing Guidelines for Business Students. This course
uses APA style.
Reference list
You must provide a reference list indicating which articles, books, newspaper
articles or other source material you have read and used in connection with
the assignment. This should be entitle ‘References’ and attached a
t the end of
each assignment on a new page. Reference lists should be in alphabetical
order by author surname. Reference lists are NOT included in the word count.
Please follow the style set out in Emerson’s Writing Guidelines. You do not
need to include a
bibliography. If you have read material that is relevant to the
assignment, try and include it to develop and support your argument. Aim to
use each reference several times during your assignment. If you can’t it may
not be that relevant
For a
cademic essays, writing is formal and is in third person; that is, do not
use persona pronouns such as I, me, we, us, etc. You are expected to
develop and present an informed opinion by critically evaluating others’ ideas
and presenting this in an objectiv
e manner. Do not over rely on personal
experience or anecdotes. Do not use gender biased or sexist language in
assignment writing.
Please not that you MUST submit your own work. If you use another author’s
words/ideas, you must cite your s
ources correctly. See guidelines in Part Two.
It is expected that you will use the reading material provided at a minimum for
starting your assignments. It is also expected that you source additional
material as required; in particular, relevant journal ar
ticles and publications
Quality of material
Source material must also be of high quality
preferably peer
published academic journal articles, or good quality material from reputable,
relevant organisations. At 700
level, introductory or gen
eral employment
relations, management or other texts are considered to be poor sources as
they only touch on basic ideas of this area. They may help your understanding
at a basic level, or may be useful for definitions and context, but in general try
and a
void them.
Age and relevance
Sources should generally be up
date and relevant. While it is acceptable to
reference a model or theory that may have been developed some time ago,
bear in mind that academic thought and research develops over time, and
accordingly some theories, ideas and models may have been strengthened,
while others may have become less relevant or refuted. A lot can change in
even 10 years so make sure your evidence is as timely as possible. This is
another reason why journals are ge
nerally better sources than books
generally have shorter lead times for publication so the data presented are
more up
Academic journals
An academic journal is a periodical, usually produced quarterly or monthly,
with referenced articles
written by scholars for an academic audience. Articles
tend to be (1) research evidence, (2) development of theory and/or (3) a
review of the literature. Some of the most relevant journals for this course are
listed in this guide. Most (although not all) j
ournals have the word ‘journal’ in
their title.
Study guide commentary
The study guide commentary is there to guide your reading and
understanding of the course and should not be used as a source. However,
any articles, readings or excerpts provided in
the course material (via the
study guide or Stream) may be used as the basis of your written assignments.
These will usually be articles or reports from journals or other reputable
for example, in this course, government organisations. Note that
you must cite and reference the original article, not the study guide. Full
reference details of these have been provided in the guide or are available
from the original document.
Ensure that information from websites is from reputable organ
isations (e.g.
government agencies, industry or professional organisations), is of good
quality and is relevant. In general, if the document has a published date and
details, those should be included. However, if there is no published date, you
will need t
o cite the date retrieved and the full web address (URL) details. For
full formatting requirements, follow the APA guidelines set out in Emerson’s
Writing Guidelines or on the APA style website.
Essay structure
Introductions should be about 10
15% of t
he word limit. Ensure you have
addressed: why is the topic important, how it is relevant, what specific issues
and/or questions you will address and why, and outline your main ideas and
the order in which you intend to discuss them.
The body of your disc
ussion is usually about 80% of the word limit. make sure
your structure is logical
that ideas are presented in order of importance, or
in a sequential manner. Ensure you introduce each main idea clearly in the
first sentence or two. Explain to the reader
how this idea is relevant to your
own discussion. Develop each idea by presenting a range of views, or
examining it at a deeper level. Briefly conclude this idea before starting a new
idea. Make sure to link each key idea in an essay to develop and mainta
in a
good flow.
Conclusions are usually 10
15% of the word limit. Review the key points
raised in the essay. Explain why or how they were important. What evidence
is there to support your conclusions? Use Emerson’s Writing Guidelines and
the Essay Checkl
ist (overleaf) to make sure that you have covered the key
points we are looking for.
A+ Outstanding
A Excellent
A Very good
B+ Good
B Competent
B Satisfactory
C+ Acceptable
C Pass
D Flawed
E Deficient