Assignment instructions

Assignment instructions
The skill I will be exploring is the oral medication administration. Use Gibbs reflective module to write a reflective account using the information below. Please use theoretical skills from UK based papers and guidelines i.e NICE and NMC to design the description of how the skills was thought theoretically in the skills lab then add how it is been done in practice/ placement to the patient. Please include how the 6Rs of medication administration was been stressed in skills lab and how it is implemented in practice. Please use UK based literature.

Essential Nursing Skills (Adult)
1. Introduction, Main content and Overall Conclusion- no subheading
2. Layout – Arial, Font size 12, Double spacing, Justify,
3. Front page ( Student ID, word count, Module title/code, Module leader) – do not write your name
4. Read the confidentially policy, extension policy and mitigation policy
5. Reference list
6. Appendix
Assignment: Due date -15th March 2016
1. Examine the learning you have developed over this first Stage of the theory and practice semester

2. Identify a nursing skill learnt in the skills lab (

3. Using current evidences reflect upon how your understanding has developed and how you have transferred this into your practice during this first placement. The emphasis of this assignment should focus on your reflection and examination of your learning development through both simulation and actual experience rather than be a technical evaluation of the particular skill- please look at the learning activity from simulation ( different ways of teaching styles, role play, videoing, peer/self-reflection, theory, SDL) and feedback. In practice, how did you learn- real patient, mentor, supervision, feedback and self-reflection and others.

4. You must employ a recognised reflective model to guide your reflection and structure your work. Guide your reader in how you apply the chosen reflective model in your essay. Please include a copy of your chosen reflection model in your appendix. Explore your rationale of choosing this model and define what reflection is?

5. Your reflection must consist of the following four elements:
• Analyse your previous knowledge, thoughts and feelings of your initial preparations for the skill identify.
• The impact of simulation in the Skills lab upon your preparation
• Your application of the skill in the practice environment.

6. You should also discuss how this experience will contribute to your ongoing and future
7. Word count 2000 words ( +/- 10%), Level 7 Marking criteria.

8. Seek advice from your skills lecturers, module lead for assignment criteria and link lecturer/mentors to discuss the impact of your learning in that particular skill.

9. Seek advice from LDU team for Level 7 academic writing style.

1. Demonstrate a deep knowledge and understanding which underpins safe care in reflective practice

2. Exercise initiative, problem solving enquiry, numeracy drug calculations and personal responsibility in learning a range of essential adult nursing skills within a simulated and clinical environment

3. Engage confidently in academic and professional communication reporting on action clearly, autonomously and competently in order to deliver patient individualised care

4. Integrate knowledge; understand professional values and skills as required in the NMC code (2015) to complete the practice assessment documents in the practice setting.
The Assignment Task:

This assignment requires you to examine the learning you have developed over this first Stage of the theory and practice semester. The following are steps you should take i.e.:

Instruction for writing

10. Identify a nursing skill learnt in the skills lab

11. Using current evidences reflect upon how your understanding has developed and how you have transferred this into your practice during this first placement. The emphasis of this assignment should focus on your reflection and examination of your learning development through both simulation and actual experience rather than be a technical evaluation of the particular skill. Your practice mentor, Link Lecturer or your Module Leader/Skills Lecturer will be a useful resource for guidance on your essay.

12. You must employ a recognised reflective model to guide your reflection and structure your work. Please include a copy of your chosen reflection model in your appendix. Please refer to PowerPoint presentation on reflection model under assignment folder for further information

13. Your reflection must consist of the following four elements:
• Analyse your previous knowledge, thoughts and feelings of your initial preparations for the skill identify.
• The impact of simulation in the Skills lab upon your preparation
• Your application of the skill in the practice environment.
You should also discuss how this experience will contribute to your ongoing and future


(85-100%) (70%-84%) B
(60-69%) C
(50-59%) D
(40-49%) E
(34-39%) F
(33% – 0%)
Level 7 Criteria >8.5 7-8.4 6-6.9 5-5.9 4-4.9 3.4-3.9 <3.4
1. Presentation


All work should be presented to a high level. Work must be appropriately structured and demonstrate fluent articulation and clarity of expression. Spelling and grammar must be correct
Within the word limit
Word count declared All work should be presented to a high level. Work must be appropriately structured and demonstrate fluent articulation and clarity of expression. Spelling and grammar must be correct
Within the word limit
Word count declared Demonstrates exceptional academic writing style for this level of work Work is clearly presented and grammatically correct with no spelling errors
Demonstrates fluent articulation and clarity of expression
Within the word limit
Word count declared Work is clearly presented, fluent and grammatically correct
Thoughts and ideas are clearly expressed
Within the word limit
Word count declared Work is clearly presented. Minimal errors in grammar and spelling
Thoughts and ideas are clearly expressed
Within the word limit
Word count declared Some inconsistencies in the standard of presentation.
Minimal errors in grammar and spelling.
Meaning apparent but not always clearly expressed
Within the word limit
Word count declared Work is poorly presented and/or marred by errors affecting comprehensibility
Inadequate proof reading. Length not within required limits
Word count declared
>12.7 12.6-10.5 9-10.4 7.5-8.9 6-7.4 5.1-5.9 <5.1
2. References

The Harvard system must be used consistently and accurately throughout the work.
It is expected that students will demonstrate a range of reading appropriate to the topic and the academic level. Although difficult to prescribe, it is anticipated that students will draw on a range of literature, and other forms of evidence, using this to extend perspectives and elaborate on current thinking. The Harvard system must be used consistently and accurately throughout the work.
It is expected that students will demonstrate a range of reading appropriate to the topic and the academic level. Although difficult to prescribe, it is anticipated that students will draw on a range of literature, and other forms of evidence, using this to extend perspectives and elaborate on current thinking. Able to extrapolate from a diverse range of evidence. Harvard System used consistently and accurately.
Wide range of reading evident and utilised appropriately throughout the work. Harvard System used consistently and accurately.
Wide range of reading evident and utilised appropriately for the majority of the work. Harvard System used consistently and accurately in the majority of the work. Some evidence of wide reading within the work. Harvard System used with minimal errors in referencing evident.
Some evidence of wide reading to support parts of the discussion.
Harvard System used but referencing incomplete and multiple errors evident. References not always utilised appropriately to support the work.
Limited evidence of wide reading to support discussion.

Using Gibbs: Example of reflective writing in a healthcare assignment
• Description
In a placement during my second year when I was working on a surgical ward, I was working under the supervision of my mentor, caring for a seventy-two year old gentleman, Mr Khan (pseudonym), who had undergone abdominal surgery. I had been asked to remove his wound dressing so that the doctor could assess it on the ward round.
I removed the dressing under my mentor’s supervision, using a non-touch procedure, and cleaned the wound, as requested by the doctor. My mentor was called to another patient at this point, so at her request I stayed with Mr Khan while we waited for the doctor to come to see him.

The doctor had been with another patient, examining their wound, and I noticed that she came straight to Mr Khan to examine his wound, without either washing her hands or using alcohol gel first. I also noticed that she was wearing a long-sleeved shirt, and I was concerned that the cuffs could be contaminated. I thought for a moment about what to do or say, but by the time I had summoned enough courage to say something, I thought it was too late as she was already examining Mr Khan.

I was alarmed by this, as I had expected the doctor to wash her hands or use alcohol gel before examining Mr Khan. However, I felt intimidated because I felt that the doctor was more experienced than me as a second year nursing student; and I didn’t want to embarrass her. Also, I didn’t want to make Mr Khan concerned by confronting the doctor in front of him.

Later, I spoke to my mentor about the incident. She suggested that we speak to the doctor together about it. My mentor took the doctor aside, and asked her whether she had washed her hands before examining Mr Khan. She looked quite shocked. She said that she had been very busy and hadn’t thought about it. My mentor discussed the importance of hand hygiene with her, and the doctor assured her that she would wash her hands before examining every patient in the future.

The incident was extremely challenging for me. I regret that I did not act to challenge the doctor’s practice before she examined Mr Khan. However, I am pleased that the doctor responded so positively to the feedback of my mentor, and I have observed that she has now changed her practice as a result of this incident. I too have learned from the incident, as it has taught me the importance of acting assertively with colleagues, in a sensitive manner, in order to safeguard patients’ well-being.

The Royal College of Nursing (2005) states that hand hygiene is the single most important activity for reducing cross-infection, and points out that many health care professionals do not decontaminate their hands as often
as they should. Recent guidance published by the Department of Health (2007) highlights the possibility of staff transmitting infections via uniforms, and the need to review policies on staff dress. The Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of Professional Conduct (2004, section 8) states that as a nurse ‘you must act to identify and minimise the risk to patients and clients’. As the student nurse caring for Mr Khan under my mentor’s supervision, this also applies to my own practice as a student nurse.

Looking back on this incident, I can see that I should have acted sooner, and that I should have ensured that the doctor washed her hands before examining Mr Khan. I can now see that my inaction in this incident put Mr Khan’s well-being at risk. After discussion with my mentor, I recognise that I need to develop the confidence to challenge the practice of colleagues, putting the well-being of clients at the forefront of my mind. I realise that I need to be supportive to colleagues, understanding the pressures that they may be under, but ensuring that their practice does not put clients at risk.

Action Plan
In future, I will aim to develop my assertive skills when working with colleagues, in order to ensure that the well-being of clients is maintained. In my next placement, I will make this a goal for my learning, and will discuss this with my mentor to work out strategies for how I can achieve this.



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Assignment Instructions:

Assignment Instructions:
Writer, please read all the required readings, Media, and videos first and then answer question topic 1. Please ENSURE TO Support your arguments with data and concepts from the readings, videos, and simulation:

Required Reading:
DRS: Daniels, J. D., Radebaugh, L. H. & Sullivan, D. P. International business. (15th ed.) Chap. 3, The political and legal environments facing business, pp. 87-130; Chap. 4, The economic environments facing businesses, pp. 137 -180.
Quelch, J. & Rodriguez, M. L. (2013). GlaxoSmithKline in China (Product No. 9514049 ). Retrieved from You purchase the case study directly from Harvard Business Press using this link: Click on Managing Global Business Spring 2015.
Recommended Reading:
Rogers, M., Zhu, B. C. & Fang, J. (2014). GSK: A case study. China Law & Practice, Retrieved from
Jenner & Block, LLP. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Business Guide 2015.
Scan FAQs pp. 38-47, international developments pp. 22-30.
U. S. Dept. of Justice (2012, November). A resource guide to the U. S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Focus on pp. 57-67, “Hallmark of effective compliance programs.”
“The extraterritorial reach of the FCPA and the UK Bribery Act: Implications for international business,” Arnold & Porter Advisory, March 2012. (

1. Required Media: For this go to: (Username: [email protected]; password: lovegod1). When you get to the page, click on AMBA 660 course; then on the left side tab click on “Videos and Simulations”. The media and simulation are in CHAPTER 3.

Required Video/Quiz: Emerging Markets—Spotlight on India and Mexico (8:07 min),

Recommended Media: Global Business Ethics: Pharmaceuticals in China. July 17, 2014. 11 minutes. The global challenges for Americans doing business in China, specifically the issue of pharmaceuticals in China and GSK,
2. Simulation: For this go to: (Username: [email protected]; password: lovegod1)
Chap. 3, Legal Differences

The case study questions should not be included; just use headers to refer to them. This assignment should be written as a paper, and not in a question/answer format.
Read: GlaxoSmithK in China (A)

Submit an 8-page analysis of the issues that responds to the criteria and questions listed below.

Additional research is required! Use the data presented in the case study as well as information provided by course readings, videos, simulations and Discussions. The textbook (DRS) has to be used extensively to support the paper!
The report is to be double-spaced with 1-inch margins, 12 point type, posted as a rtf or Word document. Use APA format for citations and references. The cover page and list of references are not part of the page count. The report’s organization is to be:
Introduction: A brief paragraph (not more than half a page) that states succinctly the most significant, key issues raised by the case. No executive summary is required.
Analysis: Respond to EACH of the questions/issues listed below. Justify the answers you provide. Your report should recognize, integrate and cite relevant theories, concepts and ideas from the required readings, videos,
simulations, and Discussions. Address these issues and questions:
The CEO of a company based in the USA with subsidiaries in the United Kingdom is contemplating moving some of its operations to China but has read about the GSK bribery scandal in China. The CEO understands that the climate for foreign companies operating in China is not as welcoming as it used to be. The CEO is now asking his manager for international business to assess the GSK case, analyze the issues it presents. In particular the CEO wants to know what lessons his company can learn and how the company can reduce its risks when operating in China. The CEO handed his manager this list of questions:
1. GSK has featured its robust ethics and compliance program, even a “3rd Party Code of Conduct” for suppliers. What went wrong? What are the main external and internal factors that encouraged the GSK bribery scandal in China? Which, in your opinion, are more important? Explain your position.
2. Assess GSK’s response so far. Are the initiatives that GSK has implemented to address the bribery problems sufficient or would you suggest further actions? If you were Mark Reilly what would you have done? Explain.
3. Do you think that GSK has been treated unfairly? Was GSK really at fault or was it just unfortunate to have gotten caught given the perception that companies have to resort to bribing to win contracts? Explain.
4. How can we avoid similar situations and how can we reconcile local expectations of questionable payments with the U. S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or the U.K. Bribery Act? What do you recommend? Explain your position.
5. What strategic and operational lessons can we take from your analysis?
Conclusions and Lessons Learned: What strategic and operational lessons can the CEO learn from your analysis?

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Assignment Instructions:

Assignment Instructions:
Writer, please read all the required readings, Media, and videos first and then answer question topic 1. Please ENSURE TO Support your arguments with data and concepts from the readings, videos, and simulation:

Required Reading:
DRS: Daniels, J. D., Radebaugh, L. H. & Sullivan, D. P. International business. (15th ed.) Chap. 3, The political and legal environments facing business, pp. 87-130; Chap. 4, The economic environments facing businesses, pp. 137 -180.
Quelch, J. & Rodriguez, M. L. (2013). GlaxoSmithKline in China (Product No. 9514049 ). Retrieved from You purchase the case study directly from Harvard Business Press using this link: Click on Managing Global Business Spring 2015.
Recommended Reading:
Rogers, M., Zhu, B. C. & Fang, J. (2014). GSK: A case study. China Law & Practice, Retrieved from
Jenner & Block, LLP. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Business Guide 2015.
Scan FAQs pp. 38-47, international developments pp. 22-30.
U. S. Dept. of Justice (2012, November). A resource guide to the U. S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Focus on pp. 57-67, “Hallmark of effective compliance programs.”
“The extraterritorial reach of the FCPA and the UK Bribery Act: Implications for international business,” Arnold & Porter Advisory, March 2012. (

1. Required Media: For this go to: (Username: [email protected]; password: lovegod1). When you get to the page, click on AMBA 660 course; then on the left side tab click on “Videos and Simulations”. The media and simulation are in CHAPTER 3.

Required Video/Quiz: Emerging Markets—Spotlight on India and Mexico (8:07 min),

Recommended Media: Global Business Ethics: Pharmaceuticals in China. July 17, 2014. 11 minutes. The global challenges for Americans doing business in China, specifically the issue of pharmaceuticals in China and GSK,
2. Simulation: For this go to: (Username: [email protected]; password: lovegod1)
Chap. 3, Legal Differences

The case study questions should not be included; just use headers to refer to them. This assignment should be written as a paper, and not in a question/answer format.
Read: GlaxoSmithK in China (A)

Submit an 8-page analysis of the issues that responds to the criteria and questions listed below.

Additional research is required! Use the data presented in the case study as well as information provided by course readings, videos, simulations and Discussions. The textbook (DRS) has to be used extensively to support the paper!
The report is to be double-spaced with 1-inch margins, 12 point type, posted as a rtf or Word document. Use APA format for citations and references. The cover page and list of references are not part of the page count. The report’s organization is to be:
Introduction: A brief paragraph (not more than half a page) that states succinctly the most significant, key issues raised by the case. No executive summary is required.
Analysis: Respond to EACH of the questions/issues listed below. Justify the answers you provide. Your report should recognize, integrate and cite relevant theories, concepts and ideas from the required readings, videos,
simulations, and Discussions. Address these issues and questions:
The CEO of a company based in the USA with subsidiaries in the United Kingdom is contemplating moving some of its operations to China but has read about the GSK bribery scandal in China. The CEO understands that the climate for foreign companies operating in China is not as welcoming as it used to be. The CEO is now asking his manager for international business to assess the GSK case, analyze the issues it presents. In particular the CEO wants to know what lessons his company can learn and how the company can reduce its risks when operating in China. The CEO handed his manager this list of questions:
1. GSK has featured its robust ethics and compliance program, even a “3rd Party Code of Conduct” for suppliers. What went wrong? What are the main external and internal factors that encouraged the GSK bribery scandal in China? Which, in your opinion, are more important? Explain your position.
2. Assess GSK’s response so far. Are the initiatives that GSK has implemented to address the bribery problems sufficient or would you suggest further actions? If you were Mark Reilly what would you have done? Explain.
3. Do you think that GSK has been treated unfairly? Was GSK really at fault or was it just unfortunate to have gotten caught given the perception that companies have to resort to bribing to win contracts? Explain.
4. How can we avoid similar situations and how can we reconcile local expectations of questionable payments with the U. S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or the U.K. Bribery Act? What do you recommend? Explain your position.
5. What strategic and operational lessons can we take from your analysis?
Conclusions and Lessons Learned: What strategic and operational lessons can the CEO learn from your analysis?

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