Project description
Added on 04.12.2014 10:39
Chapter 4: The Ethics and Politics of Crime and Justice Research
Chapter 5: Research Design and Measurement
Paper #1 Due – Blood Spatter Analysis
Review the Blood Spatter Analysis tutorial and see the table below:
Angle of Impact
Spatter Size
Arterial Gushing
Transfer Pattern
High velocity,
Project Criteria Mastery Effective Competent Minimal Unacceptable Subtotals
Summary of your research design, including a summary and description of your population and how subjects were collected (30%) 30 points; Demonstrates an excellent understanding of research design and study population. 26 points; Demonstrates an understanding of research design and population identification, but did not address all details in full. Missing some minor aspects. 23 points; Basic understanding of research design and identification of study population. Work could be improved upon; some key aspects are missing. 20 points; Work does not meet expectations. Comprehension is not demonstrated or relevant to topic. Partially addresses topics. 17 points; Minimal effort; does not demonstrate comprehension; missing relevant information. 0
Discussion and Use of Research Articles and included annotated bibliography (30%) 25 points; Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the use and integration of library research. 26 points; Demonstrates an understanding of how to use library research; did not address all details in full. Missing some minor aspects. 23 points; Basic understanding of use of library research. Work could be improved upon; some key aspects are missing. 20 points; Work does not meet expectations. Comprehension is not demonstrated or relevant to topic. Partially addresses topics. 17 points; Minimal effort; does not demonstrate comprehension; missing relevant information. 0
Discussion of independent variables and ethical considerations in research study (30%) 30 points; Demonstrates an excellent understanding of variables in research design and the ethical concerns posed by the study. 26 points; Demonstrates an understanding of variables in research design, as well as ethical issues posed but did not address all details in full. Missing some minor aspects. 23 points; Basic understanding of effect that variables have on research design; minimally discusses independent variables and ethical concerns. Work could be improved upon; some key aspects are missing. 20 points; Work does not meet expectations. Comprehension is not demonstrated or relevant to topic. Partially addresses topics. 17 points; Minimal effort; does not demonstrate comprehension; missing relevant information. 0
Paper Professionalism (writing/communication skills) and use of APA formatting (10%) 10 points; Demonstrates an excellent understanding of proper paper formatting and organization. 8 points; Demonstrates an understanding of proper paper formatting and organization; did not address all details in full. Missing some minor aspects. 7 points; Basic understanding of proper paper formatting and organization. Work could be improved upon; some key aspects are missing. 6 points; Work does not meet expectations. Comprehension is not demonstrated or relevant to topic. Partially addresses topics. 5 points; Minimal effort; does not demonstrate comprehension; missing relevant information. 0
Grading Key Range Feedback TOTALS
Mastery 90–100 Earned Point Total 0
Effective 80–89
Competent 70–79 Total possible Points 80
Minimal 60–69
Unacceptable 59 = Letter Grade:
intellectual foundations of social theory.
COURSE: MC52014A Intellectual Foundations of Social
SUBMISSION DATE: 4pm Wednesday 17 December 2014 online (via the VLE)
LENGTH: 2,000 words (please note that visiting students are required to submit a 1500 word essay directly to the Media & Communications Departmental Office by Thursday 4 December)
Answer one of the following:
1. To what extent do Enlightenment principles like freedom, universalism and empiricism inform our understanding of contemporary cultural processes?
2. Marx writes that when an object is turned into a commodity, ‘it is changed into something transcendent’. Discuss this claim in relation to media objects.
3. Compare and contrast the differences between Marx and Weber’s understanding of the importance of social stratification.
4. Drawing on Weber’s metaphor of an ‘iron cage’, discuss the ways in which modern society has been ‘rationalised’ and ‘bureaucratised’.
5. According to Simmel, fashion is a social process and a product of class distinction. Discuss in relation to contemporary fashion movements.
6. What does Durkheim’s analysis of social solidarity tell us about the reproduction of contemporary societies?
7. Discuss the fundamental characteristics of media power and assess its relationship to other forms of power.
8. Evaluate the role of media in the ‘performance’ of gender.
9. Do you agree with the argument that ‘postmodernism describes the emergence of a society in which the mass media and popular culture are the most important and powerful institutions, and control and shape all other types of social relationships’ (Strinati, 2004: 205)?
10. Giving examples, explain how the media are involved in the cultural construction of ‘race’.
11. Economic globalisation is possible while cultural globalisation is not. Discuss.
Unit 7;capital budgeting techniques
Project description
Explore the capital budgeting techniques covered in the
unit, NPV, PI, IRR, and Payback. Compare and contrast each of the techniques with an emphasis on comparative
strengths and weaknesses. Be sure to show you understand ho
w each is applied and used in capital budgeting decisions.
Use Microsoft Word to complete your answer. Your paper on comparing techniques should be no less than two pages and
any references should be cited using proper APA format.
Unit 5; variables that impact the pricing of options. Focus your energy on comparing
Project description
Research the variables that impact the pricing of options. Focus your energy on comparing.The attributes of the two widely accepted models used for option pricing: Black Scholes and Binomial Models.
Your paper should be completed in Word and be no less than two pages in length following APA format
Tax Policy – Earned Income Credit
I choose Earned income credit. Summarize the Earned Income Credit in current law, and provide some rationale for its existence. Then, under the assumption that the current law is about to expire, you must argue for the demise, renewal, or revision of your selected credit.
1. It is should be double-spaced.
2. To get started, you may want to think about the following questions:
a. Who benefits from your selected tax credit?
b. What social or economic outcomes does your tax credit achieve?
c. Is your tax provision “fair”?
3. You will be graded both on the content of your report and the quality of your writing – including style, organization, grammar, and spelling. Assume that that your target audience is a policymaker or politician who is not a tax expert.
4. You are encouraged to do some research on your credit. Make sure you properly cite any outside sources that you consult in order to avoid plagiarism issues.
5. Your project grade will be calculated pursuant to the following rubric:
Grading Criteria Points Possible
Accurate and complete summary of current law 10
Plausible/correct rationale for law’s existence 20
Persuasiveness and creativity of argument for renewal/demise/change of law 40
Spelling, grammar, writing style, organization, etc. 30