Case analysis
Order Description
Length: 1000. The word limits include any footnotes, but exclude references and bibliographies.
Find and read the following New South Wales Supreme Court case, Papathanasopoulos v Vacopoulos [2007] NSWCA 502 (18 May 2007)
It can be located on Austlii or NSW Caselaw (
Then answer the following questions:
a) What were the material facts of the case?
b) What was argued on behalf of the plaintiff?
c) What was argued on behalf of the defendant?
d) What did Smart, AJ decide and what were his reasons?
In answering the question, you must ensure the following:
1. Identification of all material facts and key legal issues. Concise summary of the material facts and legal issues in the dispute.
2. Identification of all arguments by parties.
3. Excellent demonstrated understanding of the ratio and court decision.
4. Clear and concise written expression. Largely in compliance with AGLC..
12ppt Times New Roman. No cover page or introduction. Only answer questions.
You must provide references for where you obtain your material, whether paraphrased or quoted. This means, e.g., there should be a reference at least once a paragraph
to the part of the case you are analysing in that paragraph. Titles of cases, statutes or secondary
works should be in accordance with the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (3rdedition) (‘AGLC’) (Attached)
C Cook, R Creyke, R Geddes, D Hamer, T Taylor, Laying Down the Law
(LexisNexis, 9th ed,2015).
? P Butt and D Hamer (eds), LexisNexis Concise Australian Legal Dictionary
(LexisNexis, 5th ed, 2011) OR T Mann (ed), Oxford Australian Law Dictionary
(Oxford, 2010).
? Acts Interpretation Act 1901 (Cth). This can be found at the Austlii website.
? Australian Guide to Legal Citation (3rded, 2010) Melbourne UniversityLaw
Review Association Inc., Melbourne. This text can be accessed at