Case Study

Case Study
Appendix B
Helpful Hints for Assessment 1

Case Study
• This assessment is to be presented in an essay format, and
therefore it is appropriate to write a very brief introduction and
conclusion (at most one or two sentences).
You may want to briefly state the patient situation/context, but do not rewrite the
entire case study in your introduction.

Please respond to the questions/instructions in a logical format.
You may use headings to help organise your response

Dot points and charts are not acceptable.

References must be current, preferably from the past five years.
Your referencing should demonstrate wide reading from a variety
of sources, such as texts, journals and clinical practice guidelines.

Consider the quality rather than the quantity of the references you
use. Wikipedia Better Health Channel and other generic websites
are not acceptable scholarly references.
At this point in your BN we expect you to engage with
Credible practice literature.

Spelling, grammar and correct terminology are very important and therefore it is advised
to carefully read/review your essay prior to submission (or have another person read it)

Criteria Weighting NN (Fail) PP (Pass) CR (Credit) DN (Distinction) HD (High Distinction)
In your essay you have:
Demonstrates Failed to respond to all Responded to most Responded to all Responded to all questions/ Comprehensively and accurately
clear and relevant questions/directions questions/directions. questions/directions. directions to a high standard. responded to all questions/
knowledge and 60% sufficiently or Demonstrated Demonstrated solid Demonstrated very good directions. Demonstrated
understanding of accurately. Paper is not reasonable knowledge knowledge and knowledge and understanding exceptional knowledge and
the case through aligned with the and understanding understanding through an through a clear and logical understanding through a detailed
the logical and clinical reasoning cycle through a satisfactory accurate application of the application of the clinical and logical application of the
effective or demonstrated poor application of the clinical clinical reasoning cycle to reasoning cycle to the case. clinical reasoning cycle to the case.
application of the knowledge, reasoning cycle to the the case.
specified understanding and/or case. Scope for further
components of application of the cycle depth.
the Clinical to the case.
Reasoning Cycle
In your essay you have:
Substantiates key Used few or no Used minimal research Integrated some relevant Very good integration of recent Extensively integrated recent and
points and ideas references to support and/or literature to references to support your and credible research and relevant literature throughout your
through 20% your discussion or support your discussion. discussion and literature to support your discussion. Referenced high level
appropriate substantiate key Utilised mainly credible substantiate key points discussion and substantiate key evidence to support and
reference to points. Failed to use sources, but scope for and ideas. Used a variety points and ideas. Used a variety substantiate key points and ideas.
recent research credible academic further integration of of scholarly sources. of scholarly sources. Utilised a variety of scholarly
and literature sources. the literature. sources.
In your essay you have:
Writes clearly and Failed to present Written reasonably Presented a clear and Presented a well-structured Consistently demonstrated a high
logically in an information in an clearly with academic logical discussion in an discussion in academic style, level of academic writing. The
appropriate 20% academic style, with style and structure being appropriate academic with a clear and logical flow. paper demonstrated careful
academic style numerous spelling, mostly evident. Some style. Minimal spelling or Good planning was evident. planning, with a clear and logical
with correct grammatical and/or incorrect spelling, grammatical errors, and Used correct spelling and structure that was virtually free
spelling, grammar terminology errors. The grammar and/or mostly suitable use of grammar, and appropriate from spelling, grammatical and/or
and clinical paper lacked clear and terminology. Some terminology. clinical terminology. terminology errors. Harvard
terminology logical structure and errors in the application Accurately referenced Provided a comprehensive referencing style was accurately
(including correct written expression. of Harvard referencing the majority sources reference list and accurately used in-text and was matched to
Harvard Used incorrect style. using the Harvard style. referenced most sources using an extensive reference list.
referencing style) referencing style or the Harvard style.
made a large number
of referencing errors .
Mrs Rhonda Bott is a 68 year old retired receptionist who is bought in by ambulance to the emergency department (ED) of her local hospital. Her son Gareth is with her. Gareth had called the ambulance service earlier stating that his mother woke this morning complaining of a headache and is now unable to lift her right arm and has been having difficulty speaking. On examination Mrs Bott has a BP of 200/110mmHg, pulse rate 78bpm and irregular, respiratory rate 16, SpO2 98%, Glasgow coma scale (GCS) 12/15, & temp 36.8 degrees c. Her blood sugar level is 4.8mmol/L. She also has paralysis of the right arm and right side of the face and nil sensation to touch on the right side of her face and right arm. She appears to understand what is being said to her but cannot respond verbally. Mrs Bott’s history includes depression and lower gastro-intestinal bleeding associated with haemorrhoids. She has no known allergies. Mrs Bott is an only child. Her father died of an anterior myocardial infarct at age 57 and her mother died of breast cancer at the age of 72. Mrs Bott currently lives with her son, due to the recent death of her husband, Barry. They are in the process of trying to sell the family home. She has three other children, all of whom live interstate.
Rhonda Bott’s current medications are: Sertraline 100mg mane? Rectinol HC topically as required? At the time of arrival Mrs Bott had a provisional diagnosis of stroke. Mrs Bott was ordered a CT scan of the head which was conducted 4 hours after her arrival to ED, the results excluded the presence of a haemorrhagic stroke but indicated ischemic stroke. A 12 lead ECG was also conducted on arrival and Mrs Bott was found to be in atrial fibrillation.
This assessment task requires you to apply aspects of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle (CRC) to the above case study, using the following questions/instructions to guide and organise your response.
Your answers should be presented in an integrated essay format (rather than short-answer responses) and be informed and supported by your reading of current research and literature.
1. What additional data/cues would you gather in regard to this case, and how and why would this be performed?
2. Draw upon existing knowledge and relevant scholarly literature to process the above information.
3. Given that the diagnosis of ischaemic stroke has already been confirmed, identify and explain two other issues/problems for Mrs Bott that emerge from your analysis of the data (remember, these do not necessarily have to be other specific diagnoses/conditions, but could be particular problems that arise due to the stroke).
4. Select one of these issues/problems and establish a clear goal for your care.
5. Discuss your key actions/interventions for achieving this goal, drawing upon appropriate practice literature.

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Case Study

Case Study
Appendix B
Helpful Hints for Assessment 1

Case Study
• This assessment is to be presented in an essay format, and
therefore it is appropriate to write a very brief introduction and
conclusion (at most one or two sentences).
You may want to briefly state the patient situation/context, but do not rewrite the
entire case study in your introduction.

Please respond to the questions/instructions in a logical format.
You may use headings to help organise your response

Dot points and charts are not acceptable.

References must be current, preferably from the past five years.
Your referencing should demonstrate wide reading from a variety
of sources, such as texts, journals and clinical practice guidelines.

Consider the quality rather than the quantity of the references you
use. Wikipedia Better Health Channel and other generic websites
are not acceptable scholarly references.
At this point in your BN we expect you to engage with
Credible practice literature.

Spelling, grammar and correct terminology are very important and therefore it is advised
to carefully read/review your essay prior to submission (or have another person read it)

Criteria Weighting NN (Fail) PP (Pass) CR (Credit) DN (Distinction) HD (High Distinction)
In your essay you have:
Demonstrates Failed to respond to all Responded to most Responded to all Responded to all questions/ Comprehensively and accurately
clear and relevant questions/directions questions/directions. questions/directions. directions to a high standard. responded to all questions/
knowledge and 60% sufficiently or Demonstrated Demonstrated solid Demonstrated very good directions. Demonstrated
understanding of accurately. Paper is not reasonable knowledge knowledge and knowledge and understanding exceptional knowledge and
the case through aligned with the and understanding understanding through an through a clear and logical understanding through a detailed
the logical and clinical reasoning cycle through a satisfactory accurate application of the application of the clinical and logical application of the
effective or demonstrated poor application of the clinical clinical reasoning cycle to reasoning cycle to the case. clinical reasoning cycle to the case.
application of the knowledge, reasoning cycle to the the case.
specified understanding and/or case. Scope for further
components of application of the cycle depth.
the Clinical to the case.
Reasoning Cycle
In your essay you have:
Substantiates key Used few or no Used minimal research Integrated some relevant Very good integration of recent Extensively integrated recent and
points and ideas references to support and/or literature to references to support your and credible research and relevant literature throughout your
through 20% your discussion or support your discussion. discussion and literature to support your discussion. Referenced high level
appropriate substantiate key Utilised mainly credible substantiate key points discussion and substantiate key evidence to support and
reference to points. Failed to use sources, but scope for and ideas. Used a variety points and ideas. Used a variety substantiate key points and ideas.
recent research credible academic further integration of of scholarly sources. of scholarly sources. Utilised a variety of scholarly
and literature sources. the literature. sources.
In your essay you have:
Writes clearly and Failed to present Written reasonably Presented a clear and Presented a well-structured Consistently demonstrated a high
logically in an information in an clearly with academic logical discussion in an discussion in academic style, level of academic writing. The
appropriate 20% academic style, with style and structure being appropriate academic with a clear and logical flow. paper demonstrated careful
academic style numerous spelling, mostly evident. Some style. Minimal spelling or Good planning was evident. planning, with a clear and logical
with correct grammatical and/or incorrect spelling, grammatical errors, and Used correct spelling and structure that was virtually free
spelling, grammar terminology errors. The grammar and/or mostly suitable use of grammar, and appropriate from spelling, grammatical and/or
and clinical paper lacked clear and terminology. Some terminology. clinical terminology. terminology errors. Harvard
terminology logical structure and errors in the application Accurately referenced Provided a comprehensive referencing style was accurately
(including correct written expression. of Harvard referencing the majority sources reference list and accurately used in-text and was matched to
Harvard Used incorrect style. using the Harvard style. referenced most sources using an extensive reference list.
referencing style) referencing style or the Harvard style.
made a large number
of referencing errors .
Mrs Rhonda Bott is a 68 year old retired receptionist who is bought in by ambulance to the emergency department (ED) of her local hospital. Her son Gareth is with her. Gareth had called the ambulance service earlier stating that his mother woke this morning complaining of a headache and is now unable to lift her right arm and has been having difficulty speaking. On examination Mrs Bott has a BP of 200/110mmHg, pulse rate 78bpm and irregular, respiratory rate 16, SpO2 98%, Glasgow coma scale (GCS) 12/15, & temp 36.8 degrees c. Her blood sugar level is 4.8mmol/L. She also has paralysis of the right arm and right side of the face and nil sensation to touch on the right side of her face and right arm. She appears to understand what is being said to her but cannot respond verbally. Mrs Bott’s history includes depression and lower gastro-intestinal bleeding associated with haemorrhoids. She has no known allergies. Mrs Bott is an only child. Her father died of an anterior myocardial infarct at age 57 and her mother died of breast cancer at the age of 72. Mrs Bott currently lives with her son, due to the recent death of her husband, Barry. They are in the process of trying to sell the family home. She has three other children, all of whom live interstate.
Rhonda Bott’s current medications are: Sertraline 100mg mane? Rectinol HC topically as required? At the time of arrival Mrs Bott had a provisional diagnosis of stroke. Mrs Bott was ordered a CT scan of the head which was conducted 4 hours after her arrival to ED, the results excluded the presence of a haemorrhagic stroke but indicated ischemic stroke. A 12 lead ECG was also conducted on arrival and Mrs Bott was found to be in atrial fibrillation.
This assessment task requires you to apply aspects of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle (CRC) to the above case study, using the following questions/instructions to guide and organise your response.
Your answers should be presented in an integrated essay format (rather than short-answer responses) and be informed and supported by your reading of current research and literature.
1. What additional data/cues would you gather in regard to this case, and how and why would this be performed?
2. Draw upon existing knowledge and relevant scholarly literature to process the above information.
3. Given that the diagnosis of ischaemic stroke has already been confirmed, identify and explain two other issues/problems for Mrs Bott that emerge from your analysis of the data (remember, these do not necessarily have to be other specific diagnoses/conditions, but could be particular problems that arise due to the stroke).
4. Select one of these issues/problems and establish a clear goal for your care.
5. Discuss your key actions/interventions for achieving this goal, drawing upon appropriate practice literature.

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