Archive for the ‘Subjects’ Category

FOIA and Privatization of Government

FOIA and Privatization of GovernmentA democracy works best when the people have all the information that security of the nation permits. With these words, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) into law. This law may seem straight forward, but has been severely complicated since the 1990s due to the growing […]

global marketing

Select a U.S. brand and develop a marketing plan for selling it overseas. Select a country where you want to sell it (this brand should not be sold in this country at this time), and then 1.Analyze the key elements of the countrys culture, economic, and political environment.  2.Select a method of entry in the […]

Explain how those peripheral services are helping core service/s

Hello again:) Well..this lecture is service management, and the professor gave us group project.As you can see the uploaded picture and ppt, the professor wants us to MAKE OUR OWN FICTION SERVICE COMPANY. So, our group decided to go with 24 hours restaurant. Our six members assigned each of task and I’m in charge of […]

Case Study Paper

Read the case study and answer the Question 4 in the last page’s Discussion Question section. (separate by both motivation, opportunities, and challenges to write)4. What is your assessment of Teslas moves into (a) mass-market cars, (b) batteries (car batteries and Powerwall), (c) solar panels? Please consider both the motivation for the moves, and the […]

Project #4: Time Series Analysis

Time Series Prediction Project for BA375: Two choices Option 1: Use one of the US Census time series linked (Links to an external site.) (note that the Census will allow you to check seasonally adjusted or not seasonally adjusted. Youll almost certainly want not seasonally adjusted since it will help you to show that […]

Project #4: Time Series Analysis

Time Series Prediction Project for BA375: Two choices Option 1: Use one of the US Census time series linked (Links to an external site.) (note that the Census will allow you to check seasonally adjusted or not seasonally adjusted. Youll almost certainly want not seasonally adjusted since it will help you to show that […]

Erik Erickson 8 stages of Psychosocial Development

Literature review on topic, Erik Erickson 8 stages of Psychosocial Development- understanding how each stage relates to you, friends, family, patients, and the nursing field: 1.    Stage One – Trust vs Mistrust2.    Stage Two – Autonomy vs. Shame3.    Stage Three – Initiative vs. Guilt4.    Stage Four – Industry vs. Inferiority5.    Stage Five – Identity vs. […]

720 Faith Integration 2: Analytics in a Corporation

FAITH INTEGRATION PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEW Readings: Readings:Ahmed: Sections 6.1 -6.2Bartlett: Chapter 2Merida: The Wise Fool p.71-88Merida- Pages 129-163Read Inside the Coorporation (Attached)Read- Wise Fool Transcript ( Attached) Faith Integration Paper 2 : Analytics in a corporation. Must use at least 4 high quality peer-reviewed sources. The Ahmed (2019), Bartlett (2013), and Merida (2015) course textbooks […]


Here is the test. Write your answers on a Word file and submit into Test 1 folder under Assignments. Part 1 (50 marks) Define and state significance for five (5) of the following terms. Each answer should be at least 3 FULL paragraphs in length. RealismIdealismOrientalismPost-StructuralismPost-ColonialismNeo-LiberalismImagined CommunitiesNationalismHistoriographySocial ConstructivismMarxist Theory of International RelationsSuez Crisis of 1956Cold […]

780 DB: Call to Lead and Develop other Leaders

Readings: Manning & Curtis: Chapters 8-9, 12-13 Read Merida: The Wise Fool 9:10-11:43, The Torn Kingdom 12:1-14:20. A Lamp in Jerusalem 14:21-16:34 Chapter 8: Leadership Authority Matthews 20:25-28 Evaluating a Competency Approach in Assessing Biblical Leadership Effectiveness (attached) After completing the reading assignments, post your initial response to the following points:    Reflect on a time […]

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