The first performer of Reich’s Electric Counterpoint was Pat Metheny, a prominent jazz guitarist. More recently, Jonny Greenwood, the guitarist from the rock group Radiohead, has been performing the piece on tour. Watch the video of Greenwood’s performance, then in a reply to this post, respond to these questions: How do Methenys background in jazz […]
Archive for the ‘Art’ Category
Creedence Clearwater Revival
he purpose of this report is to study one Jazz, Blues or Rock N’ Roll music composer/artist from any era. After you have chosen your topic and had it approved by the instructor, study your topic in depth and write a 3-5 page report about it. Your textbook provides a very thorough list of music […]
Any topic (writer’s choice)
Definition question” In a few sentences, using examples from your own life, define cultural capital. Short answer: In no more than half a page, double spaced, per question answer the following 2 questions fully:1. Why do we need to consider both artwork and archaeological excavation when analyzing ancient Moche culture? How was both art and […]
Any topic (writer’s choice)
Here are some resources:
Movie director
(College essay) Must answer ALL of the essay prompts below 1. Tell us about your interest in the areas of cinema arts, entertainment, or creative media. 2. What area of the entertainment arts or creative media most excites you? 3. Why are you interested in pursuing your degree at CCH? 4. What are your creative, […]
In the play, Sunny states “I want to be a living memorial.” Do you believe that The Exonerated serves as a living memorial to those most affected by the play’s content? Provide two examples from the play to support your opinion.
music appreciation
Choose three composers from the Romantic Era (18151910). Pretend they all had an opportunity to meet, perhaps at a party. What do you think they might say to one another about music and culture? Construct the conversation as you imagine it, although be sure the conversation reflects specific information from the lives and music of […]
Please write a 5-6 page paper on Bolokada Conde. Little has been written on him so I encourage you to watch these interviews and create the majority of your paper from the oral history that he tells about himself and his music. Please feel free to speak about the history and context of the music […]
–EITHER– Project 1b: Plan for beginning band organization and instruction Submit a detailed plan for the first three days of beginning band. Assume the ideal: 6 8 middle school, 6th-grade beginning band, 45-minute daily class period. Also assume two homogeneous class periodsone for beginning flute, clarinet, and sax; another for beginning trumpet, horn, trombone, and […]
Any topic (writer’s choice)
Musical Ethnography: Fieldwork & research, with paper and presentation (150 pts) Musical ethnographya representation, description, and interpretation of some aspect of a music-culture, organized from the standpoint of a particular topichas long been a primary means by which scholars have come to understand the workings of music and how it functions in its cultural context. […]