Write a short summary of the book and a short bio of the author (100 Words)Explain what makes the author and book interesting (100 Words) Create two mood boards: (IMAGES) ONLY !! 1 for the style of the time and place1 for typefaces, decorations and layoutResearch the style of the time and place, collate a […]
Archive for the ‘Art’ Category
Matterhorn Patent Analysis
How do text and diagrams work in patents to explain the function of a ride? Carefully read the “Patent for the Matterhorn BobsledsPreview the document” (under “Primary Source Material” for Module IV), then describe how the ride operates (as outlined in the patent) and explain the key innovations and features of the ride. Pay particular […]
Any topic (writer’s choice)
Pick one scene that impressed you most from the film. Explain how and why that particular scene is impressive to you. Refer to the assigned reading and think about how your argument is related to it. Include the image(s) from the scene in your journal. The expression of your paper needs to be clear (correct […]
Art History
Watch Zoe Strother, Masks and the Uncanny, in Africa and Beyond, a recorded lecture at the Getty Research Institute (October 2, 2018). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XesbBP6PChM Begin the video at 9:20 (skip the pre-Intro) and stop at 57 mins. (when the lecture ends and audience Q & A starts). Make sure to watch on full screen so you […]
Hildegard von Bingen
The explanatory essay should be a moderate length and specific. Should be approx 500 words. There should be an MLA-style work cited page. The essay should explain as artfully and clearly as possible the thesis, intent, and should utilize at least three sources.
1 – artist name(Nicolas Poussin) 2 – Research this artist gathering information on their: *Life history *Notable works (at least 250 words) *The influence they had on the art world 3 – Create a presentation about your artist for the class. This presentation should be 15-20 slides (exactly), […]
History of Performance Art
INSTRUCTIONS: Writers can decide whether they wanted to do a formal analysis, historical/contextual analysis, or an Iconographic Analysis. Please let me know if you need any extra resources to finish this up. Artist for the topic: Marina Abramovi Please follow the instruction below for objectives, guidelines, and citation requirements. Objective: To delve deeper into the […]
artwork, architecture or design you choose should be something you would see in a major gallery/museum or Art history text. They can be any medium from any time period but should be related in some way (formal qualities, concept, content, etc). You should collect all the data that you can, regarding these two works such […]
Art History
To select your work of art, visit their website: https://www.penn.museum/collections/highlights/sections.php. Once on their website, you must choose the following for your project: Ancient Egyptian Art (found under Egyptian Highlights) A typical project will spend the first 5 slides (or more) describing both the content and the form of the art work in detail using at […]
Critical Film Analysis on One of These Films
For your Critical Film Analysis (your second paper for this course), you may focus on any of the following films: Triumph of the Will, Night and Fog, Anthropocene, A Brief History of Time, The Bicycle Thieves, and Salesman. Triumph of the Will: https://archive.org/details/TriumphOfTheWillgermanTriumphDesWillensNight and Fog: https://kettering.kanopy.com/video/night-and-fog%20%20Anthropocene: https://kettering.kanopy.com/video/anthropocene-human-epoch-0A Brief History of Time: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103882/The Bicycle Thieves: https://kettering.kanopy.com/video/bicycle-thievesSalesman: […]