Archive for the ‘Business & Finance’ Category

WEEK 2: CASE STUDY: PROJECT MANAGEMENT AT DOTCOM.COM is a software engineering and systems development consulting firm that needs some organizational improvements in the area of project management processes that will cut cost and potentially increase the profit margin for the company. Share your answers for the following questions. Discuss how you would begin redesigning’s project management processes to minimize the […]

Understanding The Time Value Of Money

Before beginning work on this assignment, please review the expanded grading rubric for specific instructions relating to content and formatting. Money has different values based on time. Money in your pocket has a current value, but money owed to you has a varying value based on how sure it is that you will receive it […]

Business Management

  Executive Summary Instructions This week, develop an executive summary for your long report. Remember the executive summary should be one to two pages and focus on the highlights of your report. Submit the executive summary above using the link provided. Please note that only the Executive Summary should be submitted this week.

Assignment 4

  In this assignment, you are to use the same corporation you selected and focused on for Assignments 1, 2, and 3. Consider the corporation you have selected to use in your first three assignments. Research the company on its own website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission , the University’s , the […]

Need Paper 4 Paper, APA Format 5 Editon.

You have just opened a healthcare center in a major American city. You have a handful of employees and your main business is to provide urgent-care medical services, pharmacy, patient education, and various kinds of therapy. Answer the following questions? 1. How will you be competitive and provide services at a reasonable cost using technology […]

Discussion 5

  Complete the Self-Assessment 2-1 on page 43 of the text. Are you “a planner”? Briefly discuss your results, especially areas in which you scored lowest. What do you think you could or should do to improve in these areas? Can you help out any other discussion group member on what they might try to […]

Discussion 3

 Complete Skill Builder 3-2 on pages 110-111. You only need to share your answer to the “Apply It” question, but you can share your other answers if you like. Discuss these, including what caused you to answer the Apply It question the way that you did.  Have you had similar experiences to others in your […]

Project Execution, Control, & Closure Proposal

  Your Project Sponsor has approved your project proposal and has asked you to come up with a proposal for the execution, control, and closure for the project. Instructions: For this assignment, you will provide a four to six (4-6) page paper, in which you must: Provide a brief summary of your chosen project. Identify […]

OT – 1A

Students must write their research for their Journal Article Summary on organizational behavior DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement. SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words-this should be in the 150-200-word range. Be sure to note […]

Short Essay

       The role of ICE Intercontinental Exchangeof the market in the economy/company/fund  One page, APA You must cite all sources. Ensure that you have some scholarly sources (at least 3 recent scholarly sources published after 2010). The other sources of information for the project should be your textbook, the internet, library and statistical data. 

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