Archive for the ‘Chemistry’ Category

Chem Lab Report

Lab Topic:   I need : 1- Lab report (include Excel graph of the data which I already have on Excel) 2- two lab questions need to be answered plz. -please see the attachments… @Due Monday evening time plz…

Pressure Inside The Medication Bottle

determine the internal pressure of medication bottle at the bottle cap  when inverted and  which is filled with water  and other filled with viscous medication fluid. answer should be technically written with purpose, calculation, explaining both liquid produce different pressure


1. You are working in the lab and you find a bottle with mysterious liquid in it that has a label with the following information: vapor pressure of 405 torr at 57.8 C and 642 torr at 71.0  C . What is the normal boiling point of this liquid? Using the table below of common […]

General Chemistry

For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use outside sources. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format. Start reviewing […]

Minimum 300 Words

Miami Florida is considered ground zero for climate change (), in particular rising seas will not only drown coastal sections of the city but will disrupt our local supply of drinking water. Based on what you have learned so far from this class, discuss the following:  Explain where the drinking water from South Florida primarily […]


For this assignment, you will be looking at the science behind a recipe not just the culinary perspective. Select a recipe of your choice. It should be ‘moderately complicated’ that is to say it should have five or more ingredients and a number of preparation steps. Describe the ingredients that are key to the recipe […]

CAN YOU  In an APA-formatted document 2-3 pages, not including cover page and reference page, provide an account of your experiences to date with individuals who are taking psychoactive medications.

BOS 3640

   Part A: You are the Environmental Coordinator for a demolition company that still prefers the use of dynamite sticks for demolition. You are tasked with the compliant and safe transport of dynamite to the demolition sites. Identify the proper placarding, labeling, and shipping documentation of the transport vehicle as required by the DOT.  Part […]

Lab Report For Chemistry

please see the attachment for the lab manual. also, the collected data from the lab experiments.  I need your help with typing the lab report and organize the collected data in tables  (Make a table for each part of the lab  plz)  @ due this Monday Feb-10  please lmk if you have any questions..

Chemistry Periodic table

  Purpose of Experiment: To use the periodic and determine the electron configuration. Instructions: For this lab, the instructor will assign you 10 different elements. Using the periodic table, identify the group name, element name, element symbol, atomic number, atomic weight and electron configuration for each element. Organize the information gathered for all ten elements […]

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