Archive for the ‘Economics’ Category

Are Market Systems and Policies Efficient?

Have you ever wondered how market systems and policies work? Have you thought about influence policy has on the topics of capitalism, market, and economic systems? In this assignment, you will explore and demonstrate knowledge of capitalism, market, and economic systems and policy gained through the assigned readings and additional research. Write a 750-word essay […]

Article review

For this week’s current event report, you need to find a recent article (published within last 6 months) on any (pick one) of the topics that are covered this week (employment or unemployment issues) -Submit your report via “Submit” option below. -The report should have usual two sections: Section 1: Summary of […]

Supreme Court Case- Brown v Board of Education of Topeka

Your senior project will consist of a three page paper written in Times New Roman with 12 Font.-Each paragraph will be a minimum of five sentences and no more than eight sentences long.-You will have an introduction paragraph and a summary paragraph.-Your name, date, class title will be in the upper left corner of the […]

The Role of Political rights in Accumulation of capital in the economy

Citation system: (Writer surname, year of publishing, Page number)Number of pages 3, 2.75 for the main text and 0.25 for referencesTotal required references: 7, General description: The essay aims to demonstrate how political rights affect the accumulation of capital and vice versa. The essay should be written from the political economics aspect; this meaning that […]

Political rights and Human resources development factors

Citation system: (Writer surname, year of publishing, Page number)Number of pages 5, 4.5 for the main text and 0.5 for referencesTotal required references: 10, General description: The essay aims to demonstrate how political rights related to the level of education, health, and quality of life. The essay should be written from the political economics aspect; […]

Currency Depreciation

In a critical essay, evaluate the three major approaches to analyzing the economic impact of currency depreciation: the elasticities approach, the absorption approach, the monetary approach. Compare and contrast the three approaches and provide examples which distinguish them from each other. Your essay is required to be  six pages in length, which does not include […]

The Economic Development`s Economical Determinants

Citation system: MLA citation system (Writer surname, year of publishing, Page number) Example: (John, 2001, Pg:15) Number of pages 6, 5.75 for the main text and 0.25 for referencesTotal required references: 15General description: The essay aims to identify the role of human resources, accumulation of the capital, scientific and technological development, and the structure of […]


For this assignment, you will be expected to write a 4-6 page (1000-1500 words) paper using the existing course materials. One of the central questions that this course asks is whether capitalism is a rational economic system.  Does it make sense, for people, to let the market be the central and determining factor in our […]


Before completing this graded discussion. You should have full understanding of the concepts below, if you don’t please use the textbook and review them first. Profits, Markets, Competition, Market Structure, Labor Costs, Innovation, Entrepreneurial ability, Improvements in technology, Productivity, Comparative Advantage, Physical Capital, Government Regulations, Business Incentives Instructions and Steps: 1. View the following 3 […]

no topic

Discussion Question: The Bretton Woods system was a better designed international monetary system than the gold standard but, like the gold standard, it ultimately failed to allow countries to successfully combine exchange rate stability with the joint attainment of internal and external balance, and thus became, in Krugman’s words, “a victim of the trilemma” (Krugman, […]

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