Archive for the ‘Education’ Category

Building Confidence In STEM Presentation

       Building Confidence   in STEM Presentation The brain grows at an amazing rate during development, which makes it so important that we provide young children with the best environment to learn and grow. Too much abstract thinking at a young age could possibly overwhelm a child. It is important to understand how the brain functions […]

Reply To A Student

  Create a reply to the attached  post following the established guidelines .   Replies are to be substantial in nature and well referenced. Agreeing or not agreeing is not appropriate. the student made his ports from this Chapter 12 page 362 Week 12 1  I only need a paragraph with your opinion or input on […]

Revising My Paper Research

Revising my paper research  I would like someone revising my papers 1-Connection between ideas and translations 2-there are some sentences dont make senses and need to rewrite again to make clear   3-Organization and coherence   4- grammatical correctness

Assignment 5: Evaluation Plan With Theory, Measurement, And Metaevaluation, Part 5

Due Week 10 and worth 320 points For Part A of this assignment, provide revised Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 (Part A not included in page count but included in the evaluation.) For Part B of this assignment, write a three to four (3-4) page paper that fulfills the criteria numbered 2-5 in this […]

The Many Faces Of Attachment

  Do you remember how you felt, as a small child, when you missed the person to whom you were closest? Have you observed a content baby starting to fuss or cry when handed to a stranger? Are you surprised how vividly you, or other adults you know, remember events from early years that involve […]

Teaching Philosophy Statements

Criminal Justice field. I will add all the courses I am certified to teach.  Answer questions at the bottom in the statement What is a teaching philosophy statement? A teaching philosophy statement is a narrative that includes: your conception of teaching and learning a description of how you teach justification for why you teach that […]

One Of The Big Challenges With Cloud-Based Reputation Checks Is Performance. Users Do Not Typically Want To Wait A Few Seconds While The Reputation Of Potential URLs Is Checked.

  Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references. One of the big challenges with cloud-based reputation checks is performance. Users do not typically want to wait a few seconds […]

Curriculum Mapping Essay

Find two curriculum maps and one lesson plan for each curriculum map. You can use maps and lesson plans used in your current school, in your field experience placement, or found online. Each curriculum map should be from a different content area. Write a 750-1,000-word essay that addresses: Comparing and contrasting different styles for designing […]

Curriculum Maping

1. After viewing The Differences Between Lesson Plans and Curriculum Mapping,” explain the differences and connections between a lesson plan and a curriculum map. Review the two curriculum maps and lesson plans used in the topic assignment. What would you change, if anything, to help them align? Why is the alignment important? (250-300 words […]


The , or CAPM, is used to price an individual security or portfolio. The general idea behind CAPM is that investors should be compensated in two ways, for the time value of their money and risk incurred. The model helps investors calculate risks and what type of return they should expect on their investment. The […]

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