Archive for the ‘English’ Category

How Does Music Move You?

  Often times, we as humans tend to gravitate to music that is familiar to us. Although we have a variety of music to choose from, rarely to do we try a genre of music that is new to us. Option 1: Listen to a song from a genre of music that you are not […]

Short Response To Webinar

  Now that you have familiarized yourself with the importance of citing your sources, you’ll need to begin to think about the research you need to conduct for your project. As you continue to develop, and narrow your topic, you will need to begin to find relevant sources in order to add weight to your […]

Affirmative Action

You work in human resources in your organization and have been assigned the task of ensuring that your organization properly incorporates Affirmative Action policies into your hiring practices. Research Affirmative Action and prepare a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation outlining Affirmative Action and your plan to launch Affirmative Action policies within your organization. Post your presentation […]

Compare & Contrast Essay

Write a comparison-contrast essay discussing the differences between the two famous historical figures. Focus on specific similarities and differences. Feel free to use specific examples from different spheres of influences, like music, film or literature, but be sure that they are analogous. Some things you might want to think about: What are the backgrounds of […]

Writing At Work

Scenario: Your supervisor has requested that you research recent innovations from the last 2-3 years to see which could be useful for your department or unit. You will need to find and identify the innovation and then craft an informal report for your supervisor to read. It is your supervisor’s hope that this will be the beginning of […]

Analyzing Romeo And Juliet

Analyzing Romeo and Juliet In this task, you will write a literary analysis essay (1,0001,200 words) that explores a specific idea or aspect of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. Ensure that you state the thesis (or argument) of your essay clearly and that the thesis presents a unique or original interpretation of the play. Planning Before […]

Answer 5 Questiond Base On The Play In 5 Hours                                                 At the beginning of the play, three witches peophesy that MacBeth will be king.  Consider the following questions: 1.Just becausie the witches said MacBeth would be king, did that mean he was definitely going to become king?  Explain.2.What evidence supports the idea that the prophecy was coming true without MacBeth’s itervention? Cite specific examples.3.What […]

Scholarship Essay (NEED TO WIN)

PLEASE READ THIS IN ITS ENTIRETY BEFORE MESSAGING ME. I need someone to do this scholarship essay for me.  In an original 400-500 word essay, reflect on the quote below and describe two to three “skills and habits” you plan to develop abroad, and how they will help you to thrive in a global community.  […]

Fact Claim Essay

Write a Fact claim paper of min. 2000 words  Elements of Argument. 11th edition. Annette Rottenberg. Bedford/St. Martin’s. ISBN: 9781457662362  Introduction In the first paragraph, clearly state your claim. After the claimwhich is your thesisinclude a roadmap (or blueprint) of the main points to follow. Body Beginning in paragraph two, fully develop your supports. Each […]

Week One, Topic 1

  After watching the George Mlis’ film A Trip to the Moon (1902) think about the differences and similarities between how you believed someone would had processed that movie then emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually (among numerous ways) and how you processed the last big event or blockbuster movie you saw. Tell us what you think […]

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