Archive for the ‘English’ Category


  You have 2 Discussion Question options this week – please pick one and answer it in a minimum of 175 words:  Option 1: After reading the article, Managing Resistant Clients, explain (in your own words) the concept of resistance in a therapeutic relationship. Why does it happen? What do you think the implications are? […]


 Review the information concerning the history and evolution of criminal gangs. From the textbook readings and supplemental literature reviews, discuss the major differences in the investigation of two types of gangs identified by the student (e.g., street gangs vs. prison gangs) and the contemporary criminal investigation theories, concepts, and practices to investigate each. 

English 3 Composition

develop a one- or two-paragraph response to the following: Identify one of the main themes used in the story. Explain the message the author is conveying by telling the story in this way. Provide at least one specific example and at least one quotation from the story to illustrate your point.  Discuss how this message […]

Pay For Performance

NO PLAGIARISM  MEET REQUIREMENTS  MEET DEADLINE  Design a Pay for Performance Plan based on efficiency, equity, and compliance. Explore four major goals that are Pay for Performance Based. Your plan should be at least three pages long, and include two scholarly external resources.

International Film Paper

International Film Comparison Paper Watch Francois Truffauts classic 1959 film about adolescence The Four Hundred Blows. Then you may choose from one (1) of the four other films below. After watching The Four Hundred Blows and the film of your choice, use the knowledge you have learned thus far in class to compare and contrast […]


Please note: Read the directions for the Rogerian Argument essay BEFORE completing this outline. Choose a topic on which you wish to develop a middle ground for compromise or discussion.  Try to choose a topic on which you have some ownership, something you have experienced and know enough about to write a Rogerian essay.  In any […]

Discussion #5

Discussion #5 (assignment Before you post to this discussion you will need to read: CI chapter 23 Immigration: What is to be Done? pages 557 570  If you do not have a textbook here are some of the articles with online links:  Five Myths about Immigration  by David Cole The Worker Next Door  by Barry […]

500 Words Due Tomorrow By Midnight

Due Date: Initial post due by Wednesday, 11:59 AM ET Replies due by Saturday, 11:59 PM ET Please review the website above, especially sections on “What is Plagiarism” and “Preventing Plagiarism”.   Most often, when a student is caught plagiarizing, their response is that they “didn’t mean to” and often do not believe that what they did […]


After brainstorming about possible ‘opposition’ points, or points of view on the topic/issue that are different from yours, please find a source that supports or shares an opposing idea related to your topic or issue. Some topics are ‘trickier’ than others to find an opposing point of view, but all topics should have ideas/points that […]


Requirements: It follows the proper format for an outline Thesis Statement at the beginning of outline -> full sentence form Topic Sentences (P’s) for 4 to 6 body paragraphs -> full sentence form Body paragraphs (4 to 6) need to follow PIES structure, unless in is a C/R paragraph ( ) which should follow the […]

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