Listen to the podcast titled:Tides of History I have to answer these questions from the podcast. What did you agree or disagree with most in the episode? What did you learn that is most important: Was there any material you would like to learn more about.
Archive for the ‘History’ Category
Leaders throughout the development of Western civilization
Professor is asking for a 6 to 10 page paper that is double spaced and times new roman. She is asking that no more than half of the sources can be from websites. The paper is about leaders throughout Western civilization’s history. (Leaders like Alexander the Great or Caesar, but can be about any leaders […]
Modern Korean History
This is the paper for the final exam but there is no topic yet. It should be based on the readings assigned for this course and learned in the lectures, since there has a lot of readings materials so it should be readed at first and the topics of the paper will be given on […]
Opposition to slavery existed since before the American Revolution and increased as northern states abolished it by 1820. In the 1830s the abolitionist movement became more vocal, commencing with the establishment of a newspaper, the Liberator, edited by William Lloyd Garrison. As support for abolition increased it preoccupied the nation to the point that it […]
Highbrow/Lowbrow by Lawrence W. Levine
Where does this book fit into the literature dealing with the topic of popular culture in American history? What does the topic of the book tell us about the culture of the United States at that time period? Since the works publication, how have conditions changed and how have they remained the same? To what […]
Compare and contrast paper between two views
Prompt for assignment: Did the account of Bartolome de Las Casas in Tears of the Indians (pp. 361-362) seem consistent with Juan Lopez de Palacios Rubios justification (pp. 359-360) Spains seizure of Native American lands and peoples? Structure requested, 5-6 paragraph paper. Paragraph 1:Introduction, introducing the reader to the subject, including a clear thesis making […]
Characterize the main points and the social ideals expressed in Benjamin Franklins “The Way to Wealth: Preface to Poor Richard Improved,
Whole topic: Characterize the main points and the social ideals expressed in Benjamin Franklins “The Way to Wealth: Preface to Poor Richard Improved, either through the frame narrator, Richard, or the character of Father Abraham. Include in the explanation some consideration of Richard’s commentary after Father Abraham ends his speech (last paragraph of the selection). […]
Comparing and contrasting topics of the recent past with today, or perhaps examining how a topic from the last 50 years of U.S. History has envolved to the present. There are a number of subject areas one can consider for this essay, but in general the essay can be focused along such lines as political, […]
Comparing and contrasting topics of the recent past with today, or perhaps examining how a topic from the last 50 years of U.S. History has envolved to the present. There are a number of subject areas one can consider for this essay, but in general the essay can be focused along such lines as political, […]
Modern Britain – The Windrush & Decolonization
Please write a discussion piece analyzing: The Windrush and Decolonization (Materials Attached) “Here are a few example questions to keep in mind during your primary source analysis: What is the source being analyzed? Is it a text, an image, a video? What sort of material is it (journal entry, poem, song lyrics, painting, inscription, political […]