Archive for the ‘Law’ Category

FOIA and Privatization of Government

FOIA and Privatization of GovernmentA democracy works best when the people have all the information that security of the nation permits. With these words, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) into law. This law may seem straight forward, but has been severely complicated since the 1990s due to the growing […]

Active Shooter Preparedness

A three page paper on the community as a whole being better prepared for an active shooter incident. Not only focusing on preparations in the event of an active shooter but tactics to survive the event as well as support and counseling after the event.

Reading Analysis

Before submitting papers, please do the following: 1. Fully proof-read your paper, looking for any typos, grammatical errors, and incorrect citations.  (Full citations for course readings are available on the syllabus). 2.  Be sure to back all claims with fact, and provide in-text and end citations for all sources.  Opinions need not be cited, but […]

Criminological Perspectives

Describe the core arguments of each of the following criminological perspectivesTrait (biological/psychological)Social (structure/process)Classical/Choice (deterrence)Support an argument for which of the two sentencing models (determinate or indeterminate) you feel is most likely to be effective at addressing crime from each of the three perspectives.Determine, based on the totality of information youve gathered over the last two […]

Traffic Enforcement

Single page write up on your thoughts on the “citizen perception of aggressive traffic enforcement” and the “influence of traffic enforcement attitudes and behaviors of drivers”.

Policy brief for legalization of medical marijuana

Policy briefs provide a detailed analysis of an issue, but in a summarized format intended to be accessible to busy policymakers. In trying to balance those goals, the length of the brief is important. Your paper should be a length of 8-9 typed, double-spaced pages. You will likely receive a deduction in points if you […]

Identify an emerging public safety ethical trend or organizational ethical issue and present the issue in a PowerPoint presentation

InstructionsIdentify an emerging public safety ethical trend or organizational ethical issue and present the issue in a PowerPoint presentation. Conduct research into your issue and incorporate the results of your research, including high-quality references, into your presentation. The Ethical Issue Presentation shall cover all of the following topics: -Presentation and discussion of academic and anecdotal […]

Chapter 6 – Essay 3

How would you measure crime in Edinburg, Tx? Is there e a community policing program? Do the neighbors encourage each other to report incidents to the police? Explain. Formatting: You must cite your textbook and provide information about the assignment from it.Helpful Links: Avoid writing in the first person. This means avoiding I, my, you, […]

Real Estate; Eminent Domain & Condemnation

Explore and explain eminent domain and condemnation under Florida law. The report should cite appropriate Florida statutes and at least one Florida state case involving eminent domain. I may also examine articles on this topic in the Florida Bar Journal and in law review articles that specifically discuss eminent domain and condemnation under Florida state […]

Combating Juvenile Delinquency

n this assignment, you will recommend improvements to a juvenile delinquency prevention program. Use the Internet or the Strayer University databases to research your communitys current efforts to deter or prevent juvenile delinquency through incarceration programs or other sanctions. InstructionsWrite a 23 page paper in which you: Identify at least two juvenile delinquency reduction efforts […]

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