Archive for the ‘Law’ Category

Not All Companies Are Viewed as Equal

In the land of free trade, the public does not view all industries as equal. Do you believe that is ethical? Do you believe that some industries are unfairly targeted? Should it be consumers choice to partake in products that are not healthy for them, or do those companies have an ethical obligation to protect […]


The question I would like you all to discuss this week is the difference between ethical decisions, moral decisions and legal decisions made by a public administrator. Then create your own scenario. It should be set in a public agency or body in keeping with our public administration focus. Please fill in enough information so […]


1. Gryphon Consultancy is a computer-consulting firm. It spends considerable time and effort recruiting the best personnel from the United States leading technical schools. Gryphon employees sign an initial three-year employment commitment. Dwayne worked for Gryphon, but then he quit and formed a competing company, which he called Syntel. His new company contacted Gryphon employees […]


Topic: Environment Thinkabout two environments you have experienced. The first environment is one that did not confront the brutal facts, where the people (and the truth) were not heard.Thesecond environment is one that did confront the brutal facts, wherepeople had a tremendous opportunity to be heard.Whataccounts for the difference between the two environments? If you […]

ead the case of Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin on pgs. 17-18 in the text and discuss whether or not affirmative action should be recognized in University admissions.

Read the case of Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin on pgs. 17-18 in the text and discuss whether or not affirmative action should be recognized in University admissions.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

RESEARCH PROJECT & PAPERFor this research project and paper, you may choose any topic that is related to the juvenile justice system or juvenile delinquency. If you have difficulty coming up with a topic, the textbook is an excellent place to begin getting ideas. The research paper must have a cover sheet with, at a […]

Bad Hair “Pelo Malo”

You will use a movie and at least four articles to support your critique of an issue discussed in class: (economic, social, political, gender, identity, LGBTQ, and/or cultural rights) affecting Latinx groups portrayal in the media.    The movie must focus on a specific Latinx group, it MUST be different than your own racial/ethnic group.  Be […]

Criminal Procedure in Motion

Criminal Procedure in MotionCompetencies Addressed in This AssignmentCompetency 3: Explain the substantive and procedural interpretation of individual freedoms based on case analysis.Competency 4: Document philosophical underpinnings and public policy influences associated with U.S. Supreme Court decisions.Competency 5: Communicate effectively in writing.Legal research serves as a gateway to locate cases that interpret key areas of substantive […]

M3D1: Psychological First Aid for Disaster Survivors PART 2

Please refer to the attached files containing more detailed information and instructions. Be sure to answer each question in it’s entirety one by one being as clear and precise as possible.Write and label each question by number then provide detailed answer under each question.

Teenage Pregnancy pregnancy

Please write the argumentative of this.Thank you. Think back to your teenage years, or for those of you, who are teenagers, think about your life as it is now. This is a time where school occupies a majority of your time and you spend a good amount of your free time out with friends. Your […]

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