Archive for the ‘Philosophy’ Category

Question raised by ancient Greek thought

researched paper, using at least three (3) secondary sources and at least two of the required readings, on a question raised by the ancient Greek thought studied in the course. The readings are:(1) Hesiod, Theogony (2) Parmenides, On Nature. (handout) (3) Plato, Apology (4) Xenophon, Apology (5) Plato, Parmenides (6) Aristotle, Rhetoric

Justice for All is not Possible in America?

The length of the paper should be 10 pages of text. (2)    Include a bibliography, consisting of, at least, 5 books or papers.(3)    Include notes which refer to sources of majors claimsnotes from the paper bibliography. (4)    Apply the MLA style in your essay. Get a sample in the library.(5)     Include an outline of […]

final paper

Text:  Curren, Randall, ed.  Philosophy of Education:  An Anthology.  Malden:  Blackwell Publishing, Ltd., 2007. this is the name of the text and you need to choose one topic and write 7 pages about it. please please this assignment worth 50% of my final grade so I need to have an A+ or A. if you […]

Essay 3

Please watch the following debate: “Is Good From God?” William Lane Craig vs. Sam Harris. (Links to an external site.) The following debate asks the question, “is good from God.” Who do you think won the debate? Which position was most convincing? Why? What were some good reasons/arguments that were given? And finally, why […]


                                        DIRECTIONS FOR THE TERM PAPER:1. Select the chosen topic (listed below)2. Determine a thesis statement: Develop a clear position on the topic you select.3. Develop clear arguments supporting your thesis.4. Anticipate the most likely objection/s […]


Go to the floodfiretree site (link below) and select a particular level of global sea rise and explain why you selected that level. Then, select a particular global map and zoom in on a particular area of interest or place that you have been and see what the sea level rise does to that coastal […]

active euthanasia

    This is a healthcare ethics case analysis essay, therefore you must find at least one (1), no more than three (3) news articles from a reputable source !!!Topic already selected be sure to read all the instructions provided carefully!!!     The case should have a controversial issue, i.e., should not be obviously one sided. […]

Explain Descartes critical application of his method of doubt and the way he builds knowledge on a new foundation

This assignment consists a short essay question, and a short response question. The main intent of these questions is to ensure that you have a sound grasp of the fundamentals of the material presented in this unit. To that end, there is a  (1000 words) limit for the short essay question. Im not so concerned […]

Business Ethics

About the essay:Attached is the guidelines for the paper. Company: Sinar Mas GroupFocus on why this company is ethically wrong specifically on deforestation of rainforest and poor labor management. Also connect the issue to the essence of capitalism.Lecture notes are just for references. A Snapshot of the Forms of Ethical Reasoning: Virtue Ethics: Practical reason […]


About the essay:Attached is the guidelines for the paper. Company: Sinar Mas GroupFocus on why this company is ethically wrong specifically on deforestation of rainforest and poor labor management. Also connect the issue to the essence of capitalism.Lecture notes are just for references. A Snapshot of the Forms of Ethical Reasoning: Virtue Ethics: Practical reason […]

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