Archive for the ‘Philosophy’ Category


Read each book and then write a thought about some topic thats addressed somewhere in each book.                   The Meditations of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus                                           […]


write a summary – double space in your own words of key points for EACH READING. Every upload is labeled by a unit. Label each summary for each unit. For example: the first two pages are based off of unit 1 readings. Therefore the first two pages would be labeled as “UNIT 1”. pages 3 […]


write a summary – two pages in your own words of key points for EACH READING. Every upload is labeled by a unit. Label each summary for each unit. For example: the first two pages are based off of unit 1 readings. Therefore the first two pages would be labeled as “UNIT 1”. pages 3 […]


Write a formal deductive essay, 1-2 pages long, based on the subject of critical thinking, logic, and rhetoric. Topic: Has the third party in American national politics been historically unsuccessful in elections? If so, why? If not, why not? Include a title page and reference page, but exclude table of contents. Page count does not […]


Final papers should be between 1250-1500 words, due at the end of Week 8, 12 point font, double-spaced, and formatted in the MLA or APA Style. The case study/topic should be addressed with the environmental ethic of one of our weekly, primary authors. This list includes Holmes Rolston, Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson, Arne Naess, Peter […]

Is T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland most similar to Buddha’s Fire Sermon

Is  T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland most similar to Buddha’s Fire Sermon? , Jean Paul Sartre’s Nausea, or Augustine’s Confessions? Choose only one the texts above to argue for the similarity Part I (200 words): Provide your thesis and three reasons defending your thesis. Provide a textual citation to support each reason. Part II (200 […]

Close Analysis

For your Term Paper, you must choose a contemporary issue and two professionally written articles on opposing sides of the issue and them perform close analyses.  These close analyses are intended to help you clarify the chosen commentaries for this term paper. I I will grade these analyses primarily on the detail and completeness of […]

term paper

Instructions1. Choose a contemporary issue from the media which you will explain to provide context for the paper. 2. Choose two commentators on the above issue who provide written opposing views and arguments that you will analyze and to which you will respond. 3. Complete a Close Analysis  for each of the commentaries you have […]

hould we rely on the internet and social media to promote social justice?

Objective: Practice assessing audience and using inferences to identify the form, focus, and rhetorical approach for your writing; to explore and reflect on practices for developing arguments; effectively integrate information from other texts to support your argument; gain experience writing for real-world audiences. Description:The use of social media as a means to address political, social, […]


1.    Read Affirmative Action Pojman Reading Guide2.    Read The Case Against Affirmative Action3.    Read the example of how your page should look like Example4.    Read all instructions attached.5.    Write a RAOR commentary which includes the four parts discussed above. 200-300 words

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