Archive for the ‘Philosophy’ Category


It is often said that the modern age is one of increasing individualism. Describe two key features of the thought of Pico Della Mirandola, as presented in his Oration on the Dignity of Man, and two key features of the thought of Rene Descartes, as Presented in Meditations 1-2 of his Meditations on First Philosophy, […]

ety. Using Rawls Original Position thought experiment, provide an argument justifying the appropriate role (or, lack thereof) in this new society for one of the following technolo

Question #2 (30%) Imagine that you are tasked with creating blueprints for the role of technology in some new society. Using Rawls Original Position thought experiment, provide an argument justifying the appropriate role (or, lack thereof) in this new society for one of the following technologies: a) self-checkout machines  b) lab-grown meat c) drones Be […]


1) explain Hill Collin’s conception of positivism and show how it is exemplified in one, small part of a previously assigned reading of ours; 2) briefly explain Hill Collin’s four dimensions of Black feminist epistemology, then explain in detail the one dimension that interests you the most; 3) show how the one dimension of Black […]

is it ethical to use animals where that animal is likely to experience pain

Each student will select one of the topics discussed in the text (or propose one to your instructor) and write a ten to twelve-page paper that explores an issue related to that topic. The main purpose of this paper is to apply the critical thinking concepts from this course to a specific issue related to […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Answer the following question thoroughly in 1 page, double spaced, in a font no larger than 12. If you choose to quote the book, keep it to one line. Please address each part of the question and give a thorough explanation.  I expect the writing to be clear and well-edited. Proof-read your work. If you […]


PROMPT: Consider the following two claims: (1) Morality is relative to the majority view of your culture; there are no objective moral truths. (2) All humans have rights that include life, liberty, and security of person, regardless of race, religion, gender, ethnicity, sexual preference, and national origin. I. Explain why these two statements could be […]


1. What one particular topic covered in the course has most influenced or changed your thinking and in what way? (125-175 words) **Topic 6: Grounding and Determining Morality and Moral Conduct (Mainly about the impact of an ethical decision for ones personal life) 2. What one issue discussed in the course has affected your behavior […]

Final Essay

This final assessment is worth 40% of your course grade. It is in two parts of equal weight. Please submit both parts in a single Word document. Remember to number your answers so I know which topics you are writing on. Part 1 In an essay of 500 to 1000 words, address one of the […]

Study Questions for Deontology and Care Ethics

Read Onora Oneills article, A Kantian Approach to Famine Relief and Carrs Ethics ofCare Contribution and then answer the following questions:1. From the lecture, what is Kants view of making ethical considerations dependenton consequences? What should be the foundation of ethics instead?2. From the lecture, you learned that Kant believes that that moral requirementsmust be […]


Write a paper of at least 2,000 words [Garamond 12 or TNR 12; spacing 1.5; margins: 1.5]. You can choose any of the following topics:Topic One. The Ethics of Abortion. Use as primary sources the two essays discussed in class (Thomson and Marquis). Explain as carefully as you can the nature of abortion as an […]

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