Archive for the ‘Psychology’ Category

Can This Be Done Before Thursday At 5PM?

I have a 14 page paper thats double spaced. Its a research paper that is testing whether bipolar disorder makes people more likely to abuse drugs. Below I have attached the syllabus and an example of the paper. I need an A on this paper and I need it to have zero plagiarism. I need […]

Discussion #2

According to the Autism Society in America, autism “knows no racial, ethnic or social boundaries” (Boutot 2017, p.4). Is this statement accurate? Are there differences in the prevalence of autism across race/ethnicity? Are there factors that may influence children from different races/cultures in the identification/diagnosis of ASD? Are there differences in family adaptation to the autism diagnosis? […]

Discussion 1: Conceptualizing A Qualitative Research Question

  Good research is driven by the synthesis of ones passion or interest with a topic that has been under-studied in the professional literature. Out of that synthesis emerges a gapan area in need of further study that is consistent with your intereststhat defines the research problem. Clarifying the research problem takes time, effort, and […]


  Due   Wed March 11th by 8pm Central Standard Time After reading the assigned resources about leadership types and skills, as well as information about attending to tasks and relationships, you may be starting to develop ideas about how an administrators leadership style and philosophy can either facilitate or limit social change efforts. The way in […]

Personal Factors

a brief description of the three personal factors you think are the most important in contributing to the development of vicarious trauma and explain why. Then explain what personal factors you might possess that could leave you vulnerable to vicarious trauma. Finally, explain one way you would address two of those factors to prevent vicarious […]

Applied Behavior Analysis Research: Self-Injurious Behavior

   The topic is Self-Injurious Behavior. I completed one article need at least 4 more. I am attaching what I started and a sample for clarification.  Synthesize the findings of at least five recent journal articles in your final paper. Be sure to address all components! Following requirements: Written communication: Should be free of errors […]

Article Summary

Read “Read-Only Participants: A Case for Student Communication in Online Classes” by Nagel, Blignaut, and Cronje. After reading the Nagel, Blignaut, and Cronje article, write a 250-500-word summary of it. Be sure to include a discussion of the research problem, questions, method, findings, and implications discussed by the authors. Prepare this assignment according to the […]

Written Transcript

I’m using this as my transcript to read off of when I do my video. The answers below just need to be answered. In the 1997 case of University and Community College System of Nevada v Farmer, Farmer was initially awarded $40K in damages for violation of the Equal Pay Act. The university won an […]

Annotated Bibliography On Estranged Relationships With Parents And Their Effects.

 Topic:   Estranged relationships with parents and their effects. Resource: An annotated bibliography is a reference list in which each entry is followed by an annotation or description of the source. For this assignment, do the following: o Use the same format as the . o Include an APA-formatted title page. o Include four to […]

Find And Explain How The Psychosocial Development Theory Was Incorporated In A Study.

About 1 page with citation, does not have to be more than one page. Locate a peer reviewed research article that includes Psychosocial development theory and briefly describe the study that includes the theory. Then, explain how the psychosocial development theory was incorporated in the study. Be sure to include whether the research supported the […]

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