Archive for the ‘Religion / Theology’ Category

Diverse interpretations of women in Christianity in historical perspective.

Women in Christianity Read the introduction file that I uploaded and these sources to write an essay In Ancient Christianity: The New Discoveries Gospel of Mary 1) gospel of Mary 2) Martyrdom of Saints Perpetua and Felicitas) The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity (Anthology, pp. 197-199).  The Life of Macrina (Anthology, pp. 264-267). You can […]

Reading Discussion: Putting Statistics to Work

In this discussion, you will share your thoughts and reactions to the weeks readings by engaging in conversation around a set of prompts. You should discuss at least 2 of the prompts in a meaningful way and contribute at least 3 total posts. You may also discuss any general thoughts or questions about this weeks […]

Reading Response: Crouch, Introduction & Chapters 1-8

Crouch, Culture Making, introduction & chapters 1-8Finally, submit a 2-page, single-spaced response to this reading that addresses the following: Author details: Provide their full name, institutional affiliation, areas of expertise, notable publications, and any other interesting detail(s) you can find by doing a web search.Definitions: List 2 words/concepts you did not understand when you came […]

Video Discussion: Redefining Work

First, watch the 2 videos below in their entirety (about 70 minutes altogether). (These videos are part of a 2013 conference by The Gospel Coalition (Links to an external site.) titled “Faith at Work.”) Video links provided below Second, post your carefully considered response to the following prompt in a paragraph of at […]


I want it written in 12 point font, margins for the pages must be 1 inch on all sides. You are writing about how a religious communities deal with other faith communities. Examples of the latter, would be how Muslims view Jews and Christians as Peoples of the Book while rejecting polytheistic religions, or how […]

Reading Discussion: Defining Culture & Its Relationship to the Gospel

First, based on your reading of the chapters from Crouch assigned this week, post your carefully considered response to the following prompts: How does Crouch define culture (part 1, chapters 1-5)? Summarize his definition in your own words, but feel free to include a helpful quotation in support.Explain the relationship Crouch demonstrates between culture and […]

The Church’s Response to “Black Lives Matter”

This paper is to respond to the following question: How should the Black Church respond to the Black Lives Matter Movement, a movement that is not grounded in religious or theological language? Please use sources from “From Black Lives Matter to Black Liberation” by Keeanga-Yahmatta Taylor and “The Prophetic Imagination” by Walter Brueggmemann as at […]

Spiritual Disciplines

Journal Reflections: Spiritual Disciplines Assignment with following 3 points: 1. Leadership and Delight in God: Shaw and Strobel have argued that our highest response to God is delight. Do you agree? If so how do you cultivate this in your own life and the life of those you lead? If you disagree, what is our […]

Religious Studies

Check the doc file for the full guidelines (This paper is not summary only. Its summary with answering the 5 below questions to receive credit. Write a response paper about your reaction to the 2017 documentary, “The Honest Struggle.” After you’ve watched the film, write a 400 word response paper about it. You should include […]

Biblical Leadership Development Plan

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PLAN ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW There is an old saying, “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail”.  That is so true for every area of life.Ministries are not exempt from planning and strategic planning is an avenue for achieving the church mission.  Churches can experience a level of success without a plan, […]

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