Archive for the ‘Science’ Category


  Summaries must be one page each, single spaced with 1 inch margins,  size 12 font, Arial or Times New Roman Each summary must be based on a current scholarly journal article That is pertinent to your behavior change.  The journal article must be at least 4 pages in length and  A PDF copy of […]

Assignment For HS420 Advance Health Informatics

   As Director of Health Information for a large health system, you have been tasked as a key leader in the selection and implementation of a new electronic health record (EHR) system for the organization. The CEO and Board of Directors has asked that you address key issues related to the process of selecting and […]

Unit 4 Assignment

Unit Outcomes addressed in this Assignment: Identify the need for prescription/medical release for a fitness program. Define and initiate the health appraisal process. Define your current health status. Course Outcome assessed/addressed in this Assignment: EF205-2: Define the process for evaluating health status. Instructions Complete the and the You do not need to submit the documents. […]

Unit 2 Assignment

Unit Outcomes addressed in this Assignment: Describe the relationship between physical activity and health. Identify how the components of fitness, performance, and wellness can contribute to life expectancy. Course Outcome assessed/addressed in this Assignment: EF205-1: Describe the components of physical fitness and performance. For this Assignment you will write a 2-page paper describing the relationship […]

Science in the News

Science in the News 500 words plus references (i.e. two-double spaced page, plus a reference page) Choose one of the human diseases covered in lecture, or any other disease ortopic in medicine that is of interest to you. (i.e. hypertension, asthma). Read a current news article about the disease or topic, examples of websiteswith relevant […]

Nutrition Article Critical Analysis

   There are 3 parts to this assignment and 2 articles to find. Please read each part carefully before proceeding. You will need to submit at least a 2-page paper, single spaced, and include each articles title, author, publication site (journals, magazines, web-sites) and date of publication. PART 1 Find and read 2 different types […]

5 Pro Tips for Staying on Track with Your Thesis Writing

So, you have finally decided to complete your dissertation and become a Ph.D., but now you find it hard to concentrate on work and complete the research? Do not give up, and do not feel bad. This entire scenario is normal, and many postgraduate students find themselves wondering whether the degree is worth the struggle. […]

How To Add Products In Facebook Marketplace?

Have you created an account on the ? Dont know how to add new products which suite selling account? If yes, then should make use of the technical help directly from the technical troubleshooters who will direct you about the same.  Moreover, you should  get the exact aid regarding the same.

Crime lab science final essay

Please upload the final examination essay questions here. 1.  Why is Y chromosome STR analysis sometimes used in sexual assault  cases?  Can the Y-STR analysis be used to show that a suspect is a  match for a particular sample?    2.  What is touch DNA?  When would it be used? What are the  limitations and […]

how the sky is related to the way humans (or hobbits or aliens) keep time.

Astronomy Topic how the sky is related to the way humans (or hobbits or aliens) keep time. : 2 pages double spaced 12font MLA…You do not need lots of sources (or, if you are writing about a calendar you already know, any), but any references you use you should tell me about. This should include […]

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