Archive for the ‘Undergraduate’ Category

Java-Processing-Search and Sort

Write the code for the following methods:Selection sort is to repetitively pick up the smallest element and put it into the right position: Find the smallest element, and put it to the first position. Find the next smallest element, and put it to the second position. Repeat until all elements are in the right positions. […]

Cisco packet tracer

Vodafone has contracted you to interconnect four (4) campuses (Main, City, Kumasi and HoCampuses) for the University of Ghana Legon. Apart from the main campus, the othercampuses have isolated locations:City Campus Locations: Adabraka and North Ridge.Kumasi Locations: Adum and AsokwaHo Locations: Amedzofe, Tsibu and Kpenoe.The senior network operations manager of University of Ghana has also […]


Programming Assignment A financial investment company has hired two new employees, one to handle customers with small accounts (from $0-$50,000) and one to handle big accounts ($1,000,000 and above). You are tasked with creating a software program that reads the main customer file and creates two additional files: one for the new employee with the […]

C950 Data Structures and Algorithms II

For this assessment, you will apply the algorithms and data structure, in this course to solve a real programming problem. You will implement an algorithm to route delivery trucks that will allow you to meet all delivery deadlines while traveling the least number of miles. You will also describe and justify the decisions you made […]

Advanced Object-Oriented Programming with C #

Short Assignments 1: Create a Windows application for purchasing floor covering. Allow the length and width (feet and inches) of a room to be entered. Be sure to include program statements that will keep your program from crashing if they enter nonnumeric characters for the room dimensions. Using the tab control, provide selections such as […]


Before attempting this project, be sure you have completed all of the reading assignments, hands-on labs, discussions, and assignments to date.Design a Java class named Guitar that contains: A private int data field named numStrings that defines the number of strings on the guitar. The default value should be 6. A private double data field […]

Create a java class

Provide Java code for a simple class of your choice. Be sure to include at least one constructor, two methods and two fields. The fields should be private. Create a test class to constuct and call the methods of your class. Describe your class and demonstrate your code functions properly. Respond to other student postings […]

Final Exam Project Requirements

Your web site must include the following: Headings and paragraphsPage structure elementsA background imageA color scheme of no more than 4 colorsFour images with citations near the imageAn external style sheetResponsive web design of at least a mobile and a desktop viewA formA tableA listA JavaScript external file with at least one statement and/or functionNavigation […]

C# Coding

Assessment Instructions In this assessment you will complete a program to demonstrate the learning competency skills for your selected language path. Using the language C#, please complete the following assessment: In this hypothetical scenario, you will create a program that will allow a student to register for certification classes in HVAC. The school offers a […]

.html reformat

Please see the final exam pdf attachment for assignment instructions. Basically needing existing html code located in the (see index.html) reformatted per the instructions. The Class Projects contains the files of completed projects that need to be hyperlinked in the new FinalExam.html The portions of the pdf instructions indicating uploading to github can […]

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