Archive for the ‘Chicago / Turabian’ Category

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The French gastronome Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826) once wrote: Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are. This statement was of course made in a different time, and of course the world looks very different today than it had for Brillat-Savarin. Using the content of at least three (3) course […]


Use footnotes. It is to be an argument (persuasive essay) with a strong thesis that is then proven by the argument of the paper. Research papers are to have a minimum of FIVE (5) acceptable academic sources. The word count of the assignment does not include the bibliography and any charts/maps/illustrations. It is in your […]

Reaction paper

GUIDELINES:1. A reflection paper is your identification of the main themes of the readingsintegrated with your classroom experience and how both affect yourthinking and practice.2. A reflection paper is your chance to add your thoughts and analysis to whatyou have read and experienced. It is meant to illustrate your understandingof the material and how it […]

why, despite its limited charge and the many other atrocious acts committed during the war, was Nanking made the emblematic event of the Pacific War?

I’m looking for help with my research proposal– mainly explaining the significance of a question (which I included, but am open to changing if it remains in the general area of Nanking China) and what the goals and objectives are, as well as some background on the topic. I’ve included a rough outline, and if […]

Spirit-Led Preaching

Student will submit a 4-page annotated book report on the book listed below.  You will write your book report on the preachers method and your critique of the preachers method. Also, to  Identify and from the reading what made you stumble or caused a moment of aha. Describe why the particular sentence stuck out or […]

Historical Analysis on Black Chicago

One of the crucial arguments William Julius Wilson made about the emergence of concentrated poverty among African Americans was that it derived, in large part, from the spatial and social separation of poor African American not only from mainstream society, but other African Americans. Using three readings from weeks 4-8, assess to what degree you […]

International Relations

The Final Paper assesses the final two Course objectives. Write an Op-ed article for a newspaper, on a topic that is relevant to this class. It must address a specific policy issue that is not working, and it must present solutions on how to improve it. You may research outside resources for policy suggestions, but […]

History Final Paper (Research Paper) – The New Deal

Final paper DUE DECEMBER 15th– History research paper– Thesis statement is the most important aspect of the paper and has to be at the end of the VERY FIRST paragraph– Very judgement driven but has to be backed up with evidence.– The thesis statement is something that has to be claimed and has to have […]

Can the Mormon era in territorial Utah fit into Turners thesis of how the frontier operated in the furtherance of American liberty and individuality?

Frederick Jackson Turner does not specifically mention the Mormon Church or the Reynolds case in his famous essay on the role of the frontier in American history. In a short essay of 300 words, place the Reynolds decision and Professor Taysoms analysis of it in the overall context of Turners thesis. In other words, can […]

NGO report

All the instructions are given on the file. Please read carefully for every single word, especially on the grading rubric. The paper needs a high level of detail. (Paper format, Page number, etc) Also, any topic would be fine as long as it can be wrap up to 5 pages. However, please let me know […]

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