Archive for the ‘Computer science and IT assignments’ Category

Digital imge procssing

TASK 1 Write Matlab functions to do the followings: 1. Accept user input image. Allow user to select the image. 2. Perform filtering functions on the input image. Example: Select an image: Lena.png Convert to grayscale Add noise: Noise 1: Gaussian noise Noise 2: Salt & Pepper Perform filtering on image with each noise:a) Weighted […]

Deakin University SIT102 Task 7.1P

This is the last task I need to submit to pass the unit, and I cannot for the life of my figure out what I’m doing. The task is first year basic C++. The program is a Knight Database with a menu and simple functions to essentially add knight details, delete knight details, update knight […]

Facility location problem

I need to write a facility location problem program. I have already found the solution.Here is the youutbe link Here are all the files just want you to modify and, keep the same logic but change the variable names, gui layout, demand values used, pictures for the cities and anything to make the program look […]

Facility location problem

I need to write a facility location problem program. I have already found the solution.Here is the youutbe link Here are all the files just want you to modify and, keep the same logic but change the variable names, gui layout, demand values used, pictures for the cities and anything to make the program look […]

Golang Mini Rest API

Please write a mini REST API connected to a Go microservice to search movies from Access credentials : OMDBKey : “???”URL :  * Example url call to search is –> GET Tools/Implementation principles required such as : – gRPC– Clean architecture – Go Kit– API Gateway– Unit tests The API should  :– […]

Data Structure 2

As we have seen in class, AVL trees are excellent for search given their height of log2nlog_2{n}log2n or log2n+1log_2{n} + 1log2n+1. Unfortunately, to achieve this efficient search, they have to use rotations during insertions and deletions, and those take time!In this project, you will implement AVL-G trees, a simple modification of AVL Trees that allows […]

Week 1 Hello world discussion post

Super easy to do just dont have time please make sure to read it Demonstrate you have successfully configured your Java 8 environment by providing the following evidence.1. A screen capture showing the results of running javac -version at your Command prompt.2. A screen capture showing the results of running your own unique “Hello, UMUC!” […]

Week 1 Hello world discussion post

Super easy to do just dont have time please make sure to read it Demonstrate you have successfully configured your Java 8 environment by providing the following evidence.1. A screen capture showing the results of running javac -version at your Command prompt.2. A screen capture showing the results of running your own unique “Hello, UMUC!” […]

Time Fighter

Make a beat em up game.Must have 3 levels. Must have one 3D aspect. must show all of the class files used to make the game. Game must have audio. The game should have a win/lost state in the game so the game will end. the code should be organised and commented code and lastly […]

Disney Themed TicTacToe

I honestly just need help creating the code or some guidance to help make a tictactoe game. I have the design I just don’t know which functions to create. Here is what I have so far:

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