Archive for the ‘Harvard Style’ Category

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. The report should display a coherent structure: title page should include student name, module name, lecturer name, date and school name followed by contents page, introduction, body, conclusions, , referencing and appendices.2. The report should be prepared as a neatly typed Word document (Times New Roman 12 points), with double spacing and page numbering. […]

medial case study

PGT Therapeutics Coursework A 72 year old man presents to his general practice with abdominal cramps and loose stools for 1 week.  He recently had a fall and sustained a laceration.  This became infected and was treated. How would he initially be assessed? (5)What are the potential causes? (10)If it was due to a suspected […]

critical reflection

This assignment has two phases. Phase 1 is done and attached the feedback of my instructor for phase 1.Now I want to write phase 2. The instructions of phase 2 are attached. Note when reading the instructions that I am doing learning contract phase 2. Please read the instructor’s comment on phase 1 and reflect […]

medical case study

A 72 year old man presents to his general practice with abdominal cramps and loose stools for 1 week.  He recently had a fall and sustained a laceration.  This became infected and was treated. How would he initially be assessed? (5)What are the potential causes? (10)If it was due to a suspected infective cause what […]

Myocardial infarction

Pick a disease affecting one of the body regions we have discussed. Decide on a title for your essay that addresses a question relating to this disease.Explain the anatomy and histology of the area in both health and disease, and use your explanation as the basis for answering your question. Address the following concerns as […]

A Feasability study in project management, discuss 5 topics

A feasibility study in project management You have to discuss 5 out of 6 topics given by the lecturer in detail; from literature perspective. It’s attached in the documents below you can check.( YOU HAVE TO READ THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT TO UNDERSTAND THE QUESTIONS) the paper needs to cite 4 journals ( The economist, Forbes, […]

Written report for a sales presentation – product is Apple airpods

Details of the assignment brief Working in groups of four, you are to prepare and deliver a B2B sales presentation on an existing product of your choice, to a prospective business customer. Your product must be approved by me prior to commencing work on this assignment. (THIS IS A GROUP ASSIGNMENT, I ONLY HAVE 3 […]

Find the title at the attached paper

1) page numbers with every citation and quotations. 2) Use sub-headings. 3) Resources at least 6 or 7.4) + follow the instructions at the attached paper.5) The references are in Harvard style with page numbers6- use simple formal language (since Im not first language speaker)7- use the following as resources: – Toury, G. (1995) Descriptive […]

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